Oct 16, 2011

WOD 10.6.11 - BEAR complex! GRRRR!

Power clean
Front squat
Push press
Back squat
Push press
EQUALS one rep.  Do this 7 times without dropping the bar to complete a round.

5 Rounds total, adding weight each time.

1. 45lbs
2. 55
3. 60
4. 65
5. 70

PR'ed  my push press!

Oops! Got off track wit da bloggin... but I'm back!!!

Life got a little hectic there and I haven't been able to keep up with posts.  I haven't stopped WOD'ing though and have been writing all the details in my new CFTX WOD book... which I love and HIGHLY recommend.  Ours is from www.sport-journals.com  =)