I've been doing Crossfit since the beginning of April so it's been almost three months. The changes I've seen in my body have come fast and have been amazing. I've dropped three sizes, lost ten pounds, and am still shrinking out of clothes faster than I can shop!
More importantly though, Crossfit has quieted the voice inside me that always said "You can't". You can't run a mile, you're not a runner. You can't ever defend yourself, you're too weak. You can't lift that weight, you can barely lift your toddler. You can't eat better, it's too time consuming. I was my own worst enemy and it took Crossfit to show me that.
What has birthed in it's place is a spirit of success. Of never backing down, complaining or quitting. Of greater self-confidence and belief that my body is capable of change. I'm a lot tougher mentally than I ever thought possible and my stubborn side has definitely become more fierce! Don't ever tell me I can't run a mile now... because I'll run two just to spite ya!
I feel like I'm at the start of something big. At the bottom of a new staircase if you will. Looking upward not with dread and doubt, but with excitement and jittery thrill at the thought of where this journey will take me and my family. I know this will include more and more days with a happy mommy who now has an outlet for stress, a vehicle for change, and a drive that won't quit!
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