Jun 27, 2011

WOD 6.27.11 - I luv you Fran!


Thrusters (40lbs, but wish I had gone higher)
Pull ups (jumping)
for time


Wow!  Today was a great day!  I smashed a goal I made just last week AND did something above and beyond what I thought I could!

My last Fran was 30lb Thrusters and 70lbs on the pull-down machine.  Did it in 10:25.  My goal was to sub 8:00 with jumping pullups and more weight. I slapped that silly goal right upside the head!  YES!

I felt good afterwards this time.  Gassed for a bit but recovered fast.  So fast in fact that I started wondering what my max thruster would be. Got up to 70! Busted out 3reps at 70 then tried 75.  I had trouble cleaning the 75, my left wrist just didn't wanna cooperate.  When I got home I explained it all to Ryan and he deduced that I wasn't firing up with my elbows.  I totally agree.  I was trying to do it all with my wrists.  Nevertheless I put up 70 three times and I am so excited about that!

Guess it's time for more  goal setting :)

Let's say...

Thrusters at 50lbs
jumping pullups
sub 7:00.

Til we meet again Fran.


  1. Here is my goal for the next time you and Fran do the nasty...

    65lb Thrusters (RX)
    Band Pull-ups

    You can do it!!!!

  2. haha okay!
    When should I try it again? And when am I ready for band pull-ups?
