A detailed journey on the road to getting serious about Crossfit and nutrition. 3-2-1-GO!

Jul 29, 2011
Jul 28, 2011
WOD 7.27.11 - KB swings, PP, supermans. 1st RX!
4 rounds for time
15 KB swings (55/35)
15 push press (95/65)
15 supermans
19:00 but more importantly... I did the WOD as prescribed! 35lb KB and 65lb PP's! Yay!
The KB swings felt good but the PP's were tough all the way through. Funny thing is, right when I got home from this WOD, attack of the e.coli/superstomachbug happened. SO glad I got this workout in before my day and health went downhill!
Since this post is a day late I can also remark on how I feel the day after the 1st RX... Wow. I haven't hurt this bad since my first week of crossfit. My shoulders are burning and I can barely lift my arms but I LOVE it. I've been going through the last few weeks of WOD's with no soreness the next day. Gassed for sure during them, but no lasting effects. Even though the lifts were challenging, I was constantly wondering if I was going too light with the weights. I believe I got my answer lol. I'm not saying that soreness the next day is essential for muscle building or that it's proof of a good workout... heck it might even mean I overdid it. I welcome the occassional muscle pain the next day because for me it means I gave my max effort, and of that I am proud.
15 KB swings (55/35)
15 push press (95/65)
15 supermans
19:00 but more importantly... I did the WOD as prescribed! 35lb KB and 65lb PP's! Yay!
The KB swings felt good but the PP's were tough all the way through. Funny thing is, right when I got home from this WOD, attack of the e.coli/superstomachbug happened. SO glad I got this workout in before my day and health went downhill!
Since this post is a day late I can also remark on how I feel the day after the 1st RX... Wow. I haven't hurt this bad since my first week of crossfit. My shoulders are burning and I can barely lift my arms but I LOVE it. I've been going through the last few weeks of WOD's with no soreness the next day. Gassed for sure during them, but no lasting effects. Even though the lifts were challenging, I was constantly wondering if I was going too light with the weights. I believe I got my answer lol. I'm not saying that soreness the next day is essential for muscle building or that it's proof of a good workout... heck it might even mean I overdid it. I welcome the occassional muscle pain the next day because for me it means I gave my max effort, and of that I am proud.
Jul 26, 2011
WOD 7.26.11 - back squats and DU's.
Skill : press 5x5 for max. No legs, just straight up from arms. 55lbs was my max.
WOD: 3 rounds for time
10 back squats (135/95)
50 double unders
Didn't look at my time. I don't have DU's yet so I had to do triple singles each time... and yes that adds up to 450. My brain feels like it's still jumping inside my head and I know if I threw up I'd feel a LOT better. Did 65lbs for the back squats, should've done 75.
1. I gotta work on my rope skills. If I can't get DU's yet I at least have to clean up my singles. Not sure how to fix the brain-bouncing-inside-my-head feeling but I'll work on it.
2. Self doubt. Today's WOD marks several where I could have gone heavier but didn't. Where I should've put 10 more on the bar to really push it. I can't advance if I don't first fail. I think in the timed WOD's I'm afraid of having to take time to drop weight. I'd rather finish last and go to failure on a lift than finish middle of the pack with a less challenging weight.
3. Sleep wasn't so much an issue this time. Got 6.5hrs which is much more doable than the 4hrs I've been consistently getting.
4. Must eat more.
Side note: pullups were part of the warmup today so I grabbed the blue band and jumped up to kip. Totally lost it. I think I may have moved from the green band too soon. I feel like my body is falling apart all over. Any gains I've made in the past couple weeks seem to be slipping away. I'm not sure what it is but it sucks. I don't feel strong at all, instead I feel mostly pukey. I hope I'm not overtraining...
WOD: 3 rounds for time
10 back squats (135/95)
50 double unders
Didn't look at my time. I don't have DU's yet so I had to do triple singles each time... and yes that adds up to 450. My brain feels like it's still jumping inside my head and I know if I threw up I'd feel a LOT better. Did 65lbs for the back squats, should've done 75.
1. I gotta work on my rope skills. If I can't get DU's yet I at least have to clean up my singles. Not sure how to fix the brain-bouncing-inside-my-head feeling but I'll work on it.
2. Self doubt. Today's WOD marks several where I could have gone heavier but didn't. Where I should've put 10 more on the bar to really push it. I can't advance if I don't first fail. I think in the timed WOD's I'm afraid of having to take time to drop weight. I'd rather finish last and go to failure on a lift than finish middle of the pack with a less challenging weight.
3. Sleep wasn't so much an issue this time. Got 6.5hrs which is much more doable than the 4hrs I've been consistently getting.
4. Must eat more.
Side note: pullups were part of the warmup today so I grabbed the blue band and jumped up to kip. Totally lost it. I think I may have moved from the green band too soon. I feel like my body is falling apart all over. Any gains I've made in the past couple weeks seem to be slipping away. I'm not sure what it is but it sucks. I don't feel strong at all, instead I feel mostly pukey. I hope I'm not overtraining...
Jul 25, 2011
I am a huge dork.
I take the 5:30am class at CFTX. The night before, right before I go to bed, I read the WOD for the next day. I start thinking about the moves and specific motions for every lift and before I know it I'm super excited, the adrenaline is rushing, and I'm ready to do the WOD right then lol. It takes me another couple hours to calm down so I can actually go to sleep which means I get about 4 hrs sleep a night. That is NOT acceptable!!!
I suppose my enthusiasm is a good thing but this no sleep thing is killing me! Here's last night for example:
9:30pm - read the WOD for today. Should have gone to sleep right then.
12:30am - finally fell asleep after practicing the squat cleans and watching videos for modified ring dips.
2:30am-4:00am - woke up and starting thinking about the WOD again and how much I needed to go back to sleep. Decided I couldn't do the WOD today with such little sleep since I'd need to wake up at 4:30am for class.
Ryan has prohibited me from reading the WOD the night before. I also believe I need to find some WODaholics Anonymous meetings. I am definitely a huge dork :)
I suppose my enthusiasm is a good thing but this no sleep thing is killing me! Here's last night for example:
9:30pm - read the WOD for today. Should have gone to sleep right then.
12:30am - finally fell asleep after practicing the squat cleans and watching videos for modified ring dips.
2:30am-4:00am - woke up and starting thinking about the WOD again and how much I needed to go back to sleep. Decided I couldn't do the WOD today with such little sleep since I'd need to wake up at 4:30am for class.
Ryan has prohibited me from reading the WOD the night before. I also believe I need to find some WODaholics Anonymous meetings. I am definitely a huge dork :)
Oly Lifting practice w Howard
Worked on snatch with Howard today. This and the OHS were my weakest lifts but I feel much more confident about them now. Howard is a wealth of knowledge on form so I kept my mouth shut and listened, listened, listened. He was so generous to spend his whole Sunday in the crazy heat, helping anyone who wanted it for FREE!
Just more evidence that the coaches at CFTX are simply the best!!!
I had a couple instances where my explosion was good so I gotta remember exactly how that felt. My foot placement goes a little wide after the stomp but Howard said that's an easy fix once I get my explosion down. I can only muscle up so much, it's the explosion that's gonna increase my weight load. He also had me going down to a power squat (half way) instead of all the way down. That helped tremendously. The full squat will come and the confidence I gained from today's practice will get me there!
Thanks so much Howard!!!
Just more evidence that the coaches at CFTX are simply the best!!!
I had a couple instances where my explosion was good so I gotta remember exactly how that felt. My foot placement goes a little wide after the stomp but Howard said that's an easy fix once I get my explosion down. I can only muscle up so much, it's the explosion that's gonna increase my weight load. He also had me going down to a power squat (half way) instead of all the way down. That helped tremendously. The full squat will come and the confidence I gained from today's practice will get me there!
Thanks so much Howard!!!
Jul 22, 2011
WOD 7.22.11 - Buck Furpees
* thrusters
* run 50m
* every min athlete running does 5 burpees
This WOD left me the most gassed in recent history. Friggin burpees are the death of me. Every time I go down I pretty much knock my wind out so it's sheer heart to get back up. All I had for breakfast was vitamins and Catalyst and with every burpee I thought I was gonna puke up whole capsules. Fun. I partnered with Diana and our thruster score was 78. My individual stats were 45 thrusters, 20 burpees and a combined 200m run. We had our bar at 35lbs :) My lady Grrr was out today lol.
Limiter: Friggin burpees.
Jul 20, 2011
Jul 19, 2011
WOD 7.19.11 - 10min AMRAP
10 min AMRAP
10 KTE
20 sledgehammers
lunge to/from each station
3 rounds. Not too happy with that as I was shooting for 5 but my body gave out quick. Brannon helped my swing on the KTE and that helped a ton. It's more of a kipping swing than backward/forward. Still can't quite get as high as necessary but as my diastasis heals that will hopefully get better.
OHS. Grumble grumble. These are so awkward for me. I find that no matter where I hold the bar my hands and wrists get tingly and numb. Even with the PVC pipe. I asked Brannon about this and he suggested that I hold the bar higher in my hand. I was gripping it more in my lower palm, along the line of my thumb, and he showed me how to grip it higher, around where my callouses are. What a difference! Instead of supporting the weight with my wrists I could now hold it up correctly with my shoulders :) I also need to work on opening up my shoulders and getting more flexibility so I can control the bar forward and back as I squat.
Limiter: I think my overall limiter today was my flexibility. Gotta Gotta Gotta work on that. My lower back needs to be looser so I can throw back my hips to kip and my shoulders need to be more open so I can adjust my OHS. Might need to look in to some yoga classes at the gym...
10 min AMRAP
10 KTE
20 sledgehammers
lunge to/from each station
3 rounds. Not too happy with that as I was shooting for 5 but my body gave out quick. Brannon helped my swing on the KTE and that helped a ton. It's more of a kipping swing than backward/forward. Still can't quite get as high as necessary but as my diastasis heals that will hopefully get better.
OHS. Grumble grumble. These are so awkward for me. I find that no matter where I hold the bar my hands and wrists get tingly and numb. Even with the PVC pipe. I asked Brannon about this and he suggested that I hold the bar higher in my hand. I was gripping it more in my lower palm, along the line of my thumb, and he showed me how to grip it higher, around where my callouses are. What a difference! Instead of supporting the weight with my wrists I could now hold it up correctly with my shoulders :) I also need to work on opening up my shoulders and getting more flexibility so I can control the bar forward and back as I squat.
Limiter: I think my overall limiter today was my flexibility. Gotta Gotta Gotta work on that. My lower back needs to be looser so I can throw back my hips to kip and my shoulders need to be more open so I can adjust my OHS. Might need to look in to some yoga classes at the gym...
Jul 18, 2011
WOD 7.18.11 - DL and HSPU
5 rounds for time
10 DL (155/115)
4:17 I was the second one finished but modified both moves so it doesn't truly count. I used a 20" box for a modified HSPU since this was my first time doing them. By the second set I wish I had done a 24" so I'll remember that for next time. For deadlifts I did 95 and they felt good. By rep 6 or 7 in each set I felt like I was pulling more with my back. I asked Brannon about it and after watching me do a couple, he noticed I was hyperextending at the top. I was jutting out my chest too much and curving the top of my back outwards, making my lower back sore. After his correction I did a few more and they felt better.
Rob took a cert this weekend and came back with some great info. Before every deadlift he had us clench our butt cheeks and pull the belly button to the spine. I think that was supposed to keep our midline straight? I forget the why but I do know it helped me with the lifts :)
He also showed us to rotate our wrists and arms for pushups. You don't literally pick up your hands and move them but turn your arms outward to go down and inward to go back up, like your arms are screws. This made pushups easier and more efficient.
I worked on some kipping pullups after class and am now using the thinner blue band...Yay! I also practiced double unders and finally got one! Bunny hop not donkey jump!
Today was a great workout!
10 DL (155/115)
4:17 I was the second one finished but modified both moves so it doesn't truly count. I used a 20" box for a modified HSPU since this was my first time doing them. By the second set I wish I had done a 24" so I'll remember that for next time. For deadlifts I did 95 and they felt good. By rep 6 or 7 in each set I felt like I was pulling more with my back. I asked Brannon about it and after watching me do a couple, he noticed I was hyperextending at the top. I was jutting out my chest too much and curving the top of my back outwards, making my lower back sore. After his correction I did a few more and they felt better.
Rob took a cert this weekend and came back with some great info. Before every deadlift he had us clench our butt cheeks and pull the belly button to the spine. I think that was supposed to keep our midline straight? I forget the why but I do know it helped me with the lifts :)
He also showed us to rotate our wrists and arms for pushups. You don't literally pick up your hands and move them but turn your arms outward to go down and inward to go back up, like your arms are screws. This made pushups easier and more efficient.
I worked on some kipping pullups after class and am now using the thinner blue band...Yay! I also practiced double unders and finally got one! Bunny hop not donkey jump!
Today was a great workout!
Jul 15, 2011
WOD 7.15.11
3 rounds with a partner
25 pullups
50 squats
75 situps (one person holds feet)
100 double unders
34.29. I paired up with the lovely Diana today. We've partnered up before and I think we make a great team because we're at close levels of ability. Today we finished last. Dead last. Like nearly the whole class had left. It's totally okay though because we finished. The double unders were my huge downfall. Kerri gave me some pointers and although I completely understood what she was saying in my head, my body couldn't translate it. Gonna get my own rope so I can practice at home and before every WOD, whether it's in the warm up or not ;)
I am really proud that I did all my pullups as kipping with the green band! I had the swing down and could keep going until my arms needed a break. The last time I tried them I had trouble stringing together multiples but there was no sign of that today. I got 9 in a row! I feel like my swing is real jerky, almost violent, so I'm most likely wasting a bit of energy there. I'm hoping I can try and clean it up a bit on Sunday when I know there will be several coaches there to ask for a quick critique.
Limiter: 4 hours sleep is not enough for these kind of workouts. Seriously. For two nights in a row I've gotten 4 hours sleep and it's killing me.
25 pullups
50 squats
75 situps (one person holds feet)
100 double unders
34.29. I paired up with the lovely Diana today. We've partnered up before and I think we make a great team because we're at close levels of ability. Today we finished last. Dead last. Like nearly the whole class had left. It's totally okay though because we finished. The double unders were my huge downfall. Kerri gave me some pointers and although I completely understood what she was saying in my head, my body couldn't translate it. Gonna get my own rope so I can practice at home and before every WOD, whether it's in the warm up or not ;)
I am really proud that I did all my pullups as kipping with the green band! I had the swing down and could keep going until my arms needed a break. The last time I tried them I had trouble stringing together multiples but there was no sign of that today. I got 9 in a row! I feel like my swing is real jerky, almost violent, so I'm most likely wasting a bit of energy there. I'm hoping I can try and clean it up a bit on Sunday when I know there will be several coaches there to ask for a quick critique.
Limiter: 4 hours sleep is not enough for these kind of workouts. Seriously. For two nights in a row I've gotten 4 hours sleep and it's killing me.
Jul 13, 2011
WOD 7.13.11 - and a HUGE development!!!
First stuff's first...
Skill Work
5x3 OHS
EMOTM for 10mins
5 hang power cleans (95/65)
5 push presses (95/65)
5 back squats (95/65)
I did all 10 rounds of this but had to drop weight to 35. I know I can clean and also push press 55 but today my body didn't wanna do it even once. Hmmm.
And now for the fun news...
I got my first band KIPPING pullups last night! Holla!!!! I had no intentions of trying a kip and ended up completely surprising myself lol! Heidi, another one of the rocking coaches at CFTX, came over to help me with band form and then threw in the swing motion. After a few tries I got like 3 kips IN A ROW! It's one thing to face something new with the intention of trying and having the familiar feelings of apprehension or doubt. It's totally another thing to have a coach believe in you enough to push you to another level that you weren't even thinking of trying yet. There was no time for fear of failure or doubt on my part, I just did it. I'm excited to try this approach on more new challenges at the box. Thank you Heidi!!!
Skill Work
5x3 OHS
EMOTM for 10mins
5 hang power cleans (95/65)
5 push presses (95/65)
5 back squats (95/65)
I did all 10 rounds of this but had to drop weight to 35. I know I can clean and also push press 55 but today my body didn't wanna do it even once. Hmmm.
And now for the fun news...
I got my first band KIPPING pullups last night! Holla!!!! I had no intentions of trying a kip and ended up completely surprising myself lol! Heidi, another one of the rocking coaches at CFTX, came over to help me with band form and then threw in the swing motion. After a few tries I got like 3 kips IN A ROW! It's one thing to face something new with the intention of trying and having the familiar feelings of apprehension or doubt. It's totally another thing to have a coach believe in you enough to push you to another level that you weren't even thinking of trying yet. There was no time for fear of failure or doubt on my part, I just did it. I'm excited to try this approach on more new challenges at the box. Thank you Heidi!!!
Jul 12, 2011
WOD 7.12.11 - Fight Gone Bad
3 Rounds of: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jul 11, 2011
WOD 7.11.11 - Pukeworthy!
Run 1600m then... 4 rounds
- 10 Lateral Burpees over barbell
- 10 Deadlifts (155/105)
Damn I wish I could get better with my endurance. Burpees just about killed me. After talking with Kerri, (a kick ass coach at CFTX) I think I will skip breakfast on mornings that call for burpees... unless I want to see said breakfast again lol. As usual I wish I had gone heavier with the weight and done the listed 105 but I did 95. For some reason the extra 10lbs seemed like a lot at the time but I should've pushed myself.
Jul 8, 2011
WOD 7.8.11 - We have band pullups! Yay!
Team WOD 3 Rounds of
- 460 m Run (230 m per person) To the road and back.
- 40 Pull ups
- Lunge in the gravel (one length per person)
- 40 KBS
I teamed up with Diana and we finished in 29:09. Funny thing; I totally read this wrong and thought it was one round so I sprinted for my run and did 1pood for the KBS. I was really confused when no one was in the gym... because they were all running their second lap! lol! I did 25lb KBS for the other two rounds =)
I did all 60 pullups with a band today for the first time! No more jumping pullups for me. Kerri and Robert showed me how to properly push back on the bottom to keep momentum. It felt good to get the right form but by then my arms were burning hard so I could only get in a few. Can't wait to try it again fresh!
Jul 6, 2011
WOD 7.6.11 - two parts
Part One
30 situps
20 push ups
10 Ground to Overhead (115/75)
3 rounds
Gonna hit this again in a couple hours and go heavier.
Part Two (at a regular gym not the box)
3x10 ground to overhead 50lbs (all the barbells were being used so I couldn't get 55)
3x10 box jumps (20")
30 box jumps for speed (12")
30 situps
20 push ups
10 Ground to Overhead (115/75)
3 rounds
Gonna hit this again in a couple hours and go heavier.
Part Two (at a regular gym not the box)
3x10 ground to overhead 50lbs (all the barbells were being used so I couldn't get 55)
3x10 box jumps (20")
30 box jumps for speed (12")
Jul 5, 2011
WOD 7.5.11 - 20min AMRAP
20m lunges
20m broad jump
10 pushups
20m backward lunges
20m broad jump
10 squats
10 cals rower
10 hand release pushups
20 squats
10 rounds
20m lunges
20m broad jump
10 pushups
20m backward lunges
20m broad jump
10 squats
10 cals rower
10 hand release pushups
20 squats
10 rounds
Jul 4, 2011
WOD 7.4.11 - Lumberjack 20
- 20 DL (115lbs) (10)
- 400m
- 20 KB swings (1pood) (10)
- 400m (mine)
- 20 OHS (65lbs) (0)
- 400m (mine)
- 20 Burpees (15)
- 400m
- 20 Pullups (jumping) (15)
- 400m (mine)
- 20 Box jumps (20″) (10)
- 400m
- 20 DB Cleans (15lbs-10)
- 400m (mine)
To read more about this memorial WOD click here.
Jul 2, 2011
WOD 7.2.11 - 4 parts
500m row
10 front squats (40lbs)
10 pull-ups (jumping)
3 rounds for time
3:22 - happy with my transitions here
Squat/box jumps (20")
KB swing (25lbs)
4 farmer walks (1 pood KB) 240yds total
5 - 45lbs
5 - 65lbs
5 - 95lbs
3 - 115lbs
Fail - 135lbs
1 mi run
500m row
10 front squats (40lbs)
10 pull-ups (jumping)
3 rounds for time
3:22 - happy with my transitions here
Squat/box jumps (20")
KB swing (25lbs)
4 farmer walks (1 pood KB) 240yds total
5 - 45lbs
5 - 65lbs
5 - 95lbs
3 - 115lbs
Fail - 135lbs
1 mi run
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