Jul 25, 2011

I am a huge dork.

I take the 5:30am class at CFTX.  The night before, right before I go to bed, I read the WOD for the next day.  I start thinking about the moves and specific motions for every lift and before I know it I'm super excited, the adrenaline is rushing, and I'm ready to do the WOD right then lol.  It takes me another couple hours to calm down so I can actually go to sleep which means I get about 4 hrs sleep a night.  That is NOT acceptable!!!

I suppose my enthusiasm is a good thing but this no sleep thing is killing me!  Here's last night for example:

9:30pm - read the WOD for today.  Should have gone to sleep right then.
12:30am - finally fell asleep after practicing the squat cleans and watching videos for modified ring dips.
2:30am-4:00am - woke up and starting thinking about the WOD again and how much I needed to go back to sleep.  Decided I couldn't do the WOD today with such little sleep since I'd need to wake up at 4:30am for class.


Ryan has prohibited me from reading the WOD the night before.  I also believe I need to find some WODaholics Anonymous meetings. I am definitely a huge dork :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes my dear, you need more sleep. I am actually glad that my box doesn't post the wod the day before- nothing to get me too anxious.
