Wall ball (20/14 lb, 10 ft target)
Sumo deadlift high-pull (75/55 lb)
Box jump (20″)
Push press (75/55 lb)
Row, for calories
Total score = reps+calories in all 3 rounds
1 min each station plus 1 min rest to comprise a round.
20 - 48 - 55 = 123
The 20 on the first round was because I grabbed the men's 75lb for the SDLHP by accident lol. I also believe I lost count since I know for sure I got 12 box jumps, 8 SDLHP's and at least 8 wallballs.
I'm guessing I probably would have gotten 45-50 in that first one had I grabbed the correct 55lb weight, however, I'm pretty proud of myself that I got 8 reps at 75lbs!
This is the HARDEST WOD I've done yet. Hands down. I hope I didn't annoy my co-athletes cause my "Lady Grrr" was awfully loud today. Y'know the girl grunts female tennis players do on serves? Kinda like that. On every box jump and every push press. At one point I also remember mumbling curses like a mantra. Not sure if that actually helped my performance or not lol.
Dear FGB, I will see you again on September 17, 2011. You may not recognize me because my score will break 200. My Lady Grrr is coming for you. Be warned.
NOTES: I'm ravenously hungry for meat, today and yesterday. That's very relieving to me as I'm not a huge fan of meat and usually have 2-3 shakes a day to get enough protein. I'd much rather get my protein from food than a powder ;) I'm also taking a TON of fish oil and taking in extra blocks of fats too. Gotta train myself to like eggs and avocados.
SO SO SO PROUD OF YOU! This kicked my ass hardcore when I did it. Wow. You did GREAT! And I am assuming that my two anon messages on tumblr are from you? Thanks! I really enjoy being able to share this stuff with you!