Deadlift (185/115)
leg levers
KBS (53/35, 1.5pood, 1pood)
9:09. RX BABY!!!!!
First one since The Injury and it felt great. I feel great. The vitamins from the Advocare Challenge are really kicking in now and I've ramped up my Paleo. 0 gluten + 0 dairy for me = awesome :) My body feels lighter in a weird way. Not so much because I've lost weight but more like I feel increased energy, strength and stamina. Like a fog has been lifted. Maybe that's all the inflammation of carb and dairy addiction leaving my body? Whatever it is, I feel fantastic! Down 6lbs since starting the challenge and... we have GOAL WEIGHT!
I met Trey's new gym teacher this morning and she asked "Are you Trey's FIT mama?" lol! Never had anyone call me that before! She said she loves seeing her students brought up in a fit and nutritionally sound home and appreciated that he knew a lot about nutrition already. Yay :) Next goal... get him eating spinach lol. Gotta find me some old Popeye cartoons...
A detailed journey on the road to getting serious about Crossfit and nutrition. 3-2-1-GO!

Aug 30, 2011
Aug 29, 2011
WOD 8.29.11 - Shoulder is alllllmost back to normal!!!
Snatch 5x5x5x5
20min AMRAP
run 400m
max pull-ups
score is total number of pull-ups
70 pull-ups and 1.25 mile!!! I am very happy with this :)
400m run
25 pull-ups
400m run
20 pull-ups
400m run
10 pull-ups
400m run
15 pull-ups
400m run
20min AMRAP
run 400m
max pull-ups
score is total number of pull-ups
70 pull-ups and 1.25 mile!!! I am very happy with this :)
400m run
25 pull-ups
400m run
20 pull-ups
400m run
10 pull-ups
400m run
15 pull-ups
400m run
Aug 26, 2011
WOD 8.26.11
Team WOD
2 rounds
75 push press
50 box jumps
25 burpee pullups
I partnered with James as we're both nursing injuries and it just made sense. (The actual WOD was supposed to be 3 people to a team for 3 rounds.) We did 35 for the PP and used a 20" box. I conquered my fear of the wooden box (yay!) and jumped all of them. The PP's felt good on my neck/shoulder. I did a few 55's before the WOD and those felt good too but I knew I couldn't sustain that strength over the entire WOD.
2 rounds
75 push press
50 box jumps
25 burpee pullups
I partnered with James as we're both nursing injuries and it just made sense. (The actual WOD was supposed to be 3 people to a team for 3 rounds.) We did 35 for the PP and used a 20" box. I conquered my fear of the wooden box (yay!) and jumped all of them. The PP's felt good on my neck/shoulder. I did a few 55's before the WOD and those felt good too but I knew I couldn't sustain that strength over the entire WOD.
WOD 8.24.11 - FGB practice
3 rounds
1 minute per station
wall balls (14/20)
box jumps
sledge hammers
tire flips
50,60,70 = 180.
I think it's so peculiar that I get more reps as the rounds go on. This happened when I first did FGB too lol. Wonder how I would've done with 5 rounds? I'm shooting for 200 when we do FGB for real on September 17th so I'm pretty happy with 180 for now. As I'm writing this on Friday (8/26) and this WOD was on Wednesday, my neck is feeling considerably better now than it did then so... I think with another couple weeks of rehab a score of 200 is possible.
1 minute per station
wall balls (14/20)
box jumps
sledge hammers
tire flips
50,60,70 = 180.
I think it's so peculiar that I get more reps as the rounds go on. This happened when I first did FGB too lol. Wonder how I would've done with 5 rounds? I'm shooting for 200 when we do FGB for real on September 17th so I'm pretty happy with 180 for now. As I'm writing this on Friday (8/26) and this WOD was on Wednesday, my neck is feeling considerably better now than it did then so... I think with another couple weeks of rehab a score of 200 is possible.
Aug 22, 2011
WOD 8.22.11 - Still in neck rehab. Day 8 of challenge.
Front Squats (95/65)
Push Press (95/65)
Floor Wipers
Time was 10:54 but it didn't really matter because I used a PVC pipe today. My neck feels good, still some pain but ROM is greatly increased. Probably could have done the 15lb bar but I'm trying to be conservative :)
It's also Day 8 of the Advocare 24day Challenge. I'm down 4lbs so far and am feeling great about food. I haven't had that many cravings and every time I feel hungry between meals (aka when I would have snacked) I drink a glass of water and the "hunger" goes away. I'm relearning what thirsty feels like and I'm starting to believe that's been one problem for me all along. My body wanted water but instead I snacked lol. I haven't redone my measurements since the night before Day 1 but I already know I've lost inches in my thighs and waist. Clothes are fitting differently already...yay!
Front Squats (95/65)
Push Press (95/65)
Floor Wipers
Time was 10:54 but it didn't really matter because I used a PVC pipe today. My neck feels good, still some pain but ROM is greatly increased. Probably could have done the 15lb bar but I'm trying to be conservative :)
It's also Day 8 of the Advocare 24day Challenge. I'm down 4lbs so far and am feeling great about food. I haven't had that many cravings and every time I feel hungry between meals (aka when I would have snacked) I drink a glass of water and the "hunger" goes away. I'm relearning what thirsty feels like and I'm starting to believe that's been one problem for me all along. My body wanted water but instead I snacked lol. I haven't redone my measurements since the night before Day 1 but I already know I've lost inches in my thighs and waist. Clothes are fitting differently already...yay!
Aug 18, 2011
Back at it! ...and day 4 of the Advocare 24day challenge
Long story short, I ended up injuring my shoulder/neck on Monday. I took Tuesday and Wednesday off and today is my first day back. Kinesiology tape and all =) I didn't do the WOD as written, I mostly did some light rowing and some stretches with the PVC pipe. Felt good to get the area moving.
Today was an EMOTM WOD so I did 10 pushups on my knees every minute. I finished 8 rounds so I'm happy with that. Got a good sweat going and iced my neck afterwards. Felt great =)
Day 4 of the challenge and I've lost 2.5lbs. Yay! Feeling very energetic and I know that the Omegaplex capsules are making a big difference in my shoulder recovery. Both my chiropractor and sports medicine doc both commented on how quickly I'm healing. Good nutrition and supplements make a huge difference with that!!!
Today was an EMOTM WOD so I did 10 pushups on my knees every minute. I finished 8 rounds so I'm happy with that. Got a good sweat going and iced my neck afterwards. Felt great =)
Day 4 of the challenge and I've lost 2.5lbs. Yay! Feeling very energetic and I know that the Omegaplex capsules are making a big difference in my shoulder recovery. Both my chiropractor and sports medicine doc both commented on how quickly I'm healing. Good nutrition and supplements make a huge difference with that!!!
Aug 15, 2011
WOD 8-15-11, HUGE PR and - Day 1 of 24 day challenge
Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1
Mountain Climbers
KB Swings
6:04. I had to wait about 10 seconds for a green pullup band to be free so I would've had this in under 6:00.
Got a great PR on the back squat. My previous was 115 and today I did 145! Woo Hoo! That's BW+20 :) I didn't technically fail on 145 so I could've pushed to 155 but when I racked it I jacked up my right neck/shoulder. Still happy with 145 but also curious what I would have failed on. Up 30lbs in 10 days, not bad!!!
Rob had me do single hand KB snatches instead of the swings because of my neck. It's ok, it's worth it for the PR.
I am really happy that I did the 21 and 15 pullups unbroken. That's huge for me.
Advocare 24 Day Challenge
Today is day one so not much to report yet. I'll update again in a couple days :)
Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1
Mountain Climbers
KB Swings
6:04. I had to wait about 10 seconds for a green pullup band to be free so I would've had this in under 6:00.
Got a great PR on the back squat. My previous was 115 and today I did 145! Woo Hoo! That's BW+20 :) I didn't technically fail on 145 so I could've pushed to 155 but when I racked it I jacked up my right neck/shoulder. Still happy with 145 but also curious what I would have failed on. Up 30lbs in 10 days, not bad!!!
Rob had me do single hand KB snatches instead of the swings because of my neck. It's ok, it's worth it for the PR.
I am really happy that I did the 21 and 15 pullups unbroken. That's huge for me.
Advocare 24 Day Challenge
Today is day one so not much to report yet. I'll update again in a couple days :)
Aug 11, 2011
WOD 8-11-11 - another PR!
Strength: Press 1-1-1-1-1
Skill: 100 double unders - 5min cap
WOD: 5 minute AMRAP
5 ring dips
8 box jumps
Went for a PR press (70lbs) but only got half way. Tried 5 frickin times lol. Matched my max of 65.
Ok scratch all of the above sentence lol. My previous max press was 60 so I actually got another PR today... 65lbs! Yay!
Whipped myself in the head numerous times from the DU's but got several more this time...yay! Progress is progress.
7 rounds plus 5 box jumps so... only 3 more jumps and I would've had 8 rounds. So close! Did good on the bouncing back down form the box and immediately back up. That's a new development for me and I kept that up almost the entire time. Whenever I thought too much about it I froze up so today's lesson is "less thinking". This was my first time with ring dips so I did them on my toes. They didn't get really tough until set 7. Somewhere in the middle (maybe set 4 or 5) I lifted up off the ground and that felt good. Challenging good but too hard to keep that motion from then on.
All in all a great WOD! SO glad to be back to 530am!
Skill: 100 double unders - 5min cap
WOD: 5 minute AMRAP
5 ring dips
8 box jumps
Ok scratch all of the above sentence lol. My previous max press was 60 so I actually got another PR today... 65lbs! Yay!
Whipped myself in the head numerous times from the DU's but got several more this time...yay! Progress is progress.
7 rounds plus 5 box jumps so... only 3 more jumps and I would've had 8 rounds. So close! Did good on the bouncing back down form the box and immediately back up. That's a new development for me and I kept that up almost the entire time. Whenever I thought too much about it I froze up so today's lesson is "less thinking". This was my first time with ring dips so I did them on my toes. They didn't get really tough until set 7. Somewhere in the middle (maybe set 4 or 5) I lifted up off the ground and that felt good. Challenging good but too hard to keep that motion from then on.
All in all a great WOD! SO glad to be back to 530am!
Aug 10, 2011
WOD 8.10.11
800m run
Toes to Bar
800m run
I GOTTA get better at running. And breathing. And doing both of those at the same time. Had a good kip motion for the T2B so was happy about that. My lower back felt much more flexible... maybe from all the core work I've been doing lately.
Toes to Bar
800m run
I GOTTA get better at running. And breathing. And doing both of those at the same time. Had a good kip motion for the T2B so was happy about that. My lower back felt much more flexible... maybe from all the core work I've been doing lately.
![]() |
And I suppose this means I've been initiated :) Ow! |
Aug 9, 2011
WOD 8.9.11
squat cleans 3-3-3-3-3
12 handstand pushups (135/95)
2 power cleans
4 power cleans
6 power cleans
8 power cleans
10 power cleans
12 power cleans
9:49 using 65lbs. I didn't come down much at all for the power cleans so I could've done another 10lbs I think.
I did GHD situps for the first time during the warmups and those were WEIRD. Definitely felt like I was gonna fall on my head. My back was hurting during them and Rob told me to tighten my abs which helped a lot. Blyth spotted for me :)
I got to 65lbs for the squat clean and my limiter wasn't the weight but my feet. I kept coming waaaaaay wide in the squat. Rob agreed and said I was cleaning the 65 way up so the weight wasn't the issue. Gotta work on that.
Good sweaty WOD today!
12 handstand pushups (135/95)
2 power cleans
4 power cleans
6 power cleans
8 power cleans
10 power cleans
12 power cleans
9:49 using 65lbs. I didn't come down much at all for the power cleans so I could've done another 10lbs I think.
I did GHD situps for the first time during the warmups and those were WEIRD. Definitely felt like I was gonna fall on my head. My back was hurting during them and Rob told me to tighten my abs which helped a lot. Blyth spotted for me :)
I got to 65lbs for the squat clean and my limiter wasn't the weight but my feet. I kept coming waaaaaay wide in the squat. Rob agreed and said I was cleaning the 65 way up so the weight wasn't the issue. Gotta work on that.
Good sweaty WOD today!
Aug 8, 2011
WOD 8.8.11 - 6pm class
10 minute AMRAP
3 DL (275/185)
6 lateral burpees
8 rounds at 115lbs. I wanted to try for 125 (BW) but I had a couple things against me:
1. I took the 6pm class instead of the 530am class. It was 109 degrees. Nuff said. That's about 20 degrees hotter than my usual class time.
2. I usually WOD with an empty belly. Just Catalyst and Spark. I was already regretting my dinner before the WOD even started.
I don't see these as excuses at all, just limiters. I knew my form wouldn't be as good if I went with the 125 and I didn't want to jack up my back for the week. I think if I could've done this WOD at my regular morning time I could've done the 125. Ah next time. There will always be a next time!
3 DL (275/185)
6 lateral burpees
8 rounds at 115lbs. I wanted to try for 125 (BW) but I had a couple things against me:
1. I took the 6pm class instead of the 530am class. It was 109 degrees. Nuff said. That's about 20 degrees hotter than my usual class time.
2. I usually WOD with an empty belly. Just Catalyst and Spark. I was already regretting my dinner before the WOD even started.
I don't see these as excuses at all, just limiters. I knew my form wouldn't be as good if I went with the 125 and I didn't want to jack up my back for the week. I think if I could've done this WOD at my regular morning time I could've done the 125. Ah next time. There will always be a next time!
Aug 5, 2011
WOD 8.5.11 - fun WOD plus another PR
Back Squat 5x3 - 115lbs... a new PR and only 10lbs away from body weight yay!!! My last max for these was 75 and that was only 10 days ago!!! That was right before I got the Super Stomach Bug of 2011 though so that's probably why I felt weaker then. I love working on strength skills and getting new PR's. It's a great barometer to chart my progress and Grrr-ing through the heavy weight feels awesome!
Partner WOD
3 rounds for time
25m weighted lunge (25/10)
25 pullups
25 ring push ups
50 sit ups
I partnered with Jill this morning :) We did 10lbs for the lunge and this was my first time doing those. I could have pushed and done the 25 but now I know for next time. This was also my first time with ring push ups and whew those were awkward! I did them modified where I walked forward a bit to make the rings about 2ft from the ground. I went back to the green band for the pullups and those felt great. Had a good solid rhythm going.
4 hrs sleep, chinese food and a couple beers last night. I still felt good this morning and am pleased with my effort but I think if I got 6hrs of sleep and ate clean I would have done even better.
Back Squat 5x3 - 115lbs... a new PR and only 10lbs away from body weight yay!!! My last max for these was 75 and that was only 10 days ago!!! That was right before I got the Super Stomach Bug of 2011 though so that's probably why I felt weaker then. I love working on strength skills and getting new PR's. It's a great barometer to chart my progress and Grrr-ing through the heavy weight feels awesome!
Partner WOD
3 rounds for time
25m weighted lunge (25/10)
25 pullups
25 ring push ups
50 sit ups
I partnered with Jill this morning :) We did 10lbs for the lunge and this was my first time doing those. I could have pushed and done the 25 but now I know for next time. This was also my first time with ring push ups and whew those were awkward! I did them modified where I walked forward a bit to make the rings about 2ft from the ground. I went back to the green band for the pullups and those felt great. Had a good solid rhythm going.
4 hrs sleep, chinese food and a couple beers last night. I still felt good this morning and am pleased with my effort but I think if I got 6hrs of sleep and ate clean I would have done even better.
Aug 3, 2011
WOD 8.3.11 - RX and a PR
Got a PR on my strict press - 60lbs
and RX'ed this WOD. Today's gonna be a good day!
On DL form: Need to keep my back straight on the way back down. Remember to take a breath at the top before releasing to keep back from rounding. Lock shoulders back the entire time to keep from rounding. Not so much a shrug but straight back. This helps back stay straight too.
and RX'ed this WOD. Today's gonna be a good day!
On DL form: Need to keep my back straight on the way back down. Remember to take a breath at the top before releasing to keep back from rounding. Lock shoulders back the entire time to keep from rounding. Not so much a shrug but straight back. This helps back stay straight too.
Aug 2, 2011
WOD 8.2.11
AMRAP 15 minutes
25 box jumps (24/20")
20 KB swings (53/35)
15 toes to bar
10 burpees
Not sure how to score this one. I can only do KTE and didn't even get the 15 per round so is this a DNF? Not sure. If they were omitted I got 1.75 rounds lol. I used a box that I thought was 20" but ended up being 18 and started off with a 35lb KB and dropped down to a 25.
Limiter: Not having a good swing for the KTE, and as usual, I need more sleep.
25 box jumps (24/20")
20 KB swings (53/35)
15 toes to bar
10 burpees
Not sure how to score this one. I can only do KTE and didn't even get the 15 per round so is this a DNF? Not sure. If they were omitted I got 1.75 rounds lol. I used a box that I thought was 20" but ended up being 18 and started off with a 35lb KB and dropped down to a 25.
Limiter: Not having a good swing for the KTE, and as usual, I need more sleep.
Aug 1, 2011
WOD 8.1.11 - Squat cleans and burpee box jumps
Skill Work
Squat clean 5x5
5 rounds
5 power cleans
5 burpee box jumps (24"/20")
6:22. Today was my first day back after The Infamous Stomach Bug of 2011, which morphed into finding out I'm completely lactose intolerant. Fun Fun.
First things first, after 4 days off in a row I didn't do too bad. My lifts felt pretty good and I only needed a few tweaks here and there (elbows UP!!!). The burpees sucked, as usual, but the box jumps surprised me.
I've never had an issue with box jumps. I usually do the 20" and, although my form isn't awesome yet, I feel like I'm fairly proficient at them and would consider them in my wheelhouse. When I see them listed in a WOD my heart doesn't say "oh shit". Today a very curious thing happened; after a couple jumps on the 20" I stopped. Hesitated. Thought too much and scared myself into thinking I was gonna wipe out. Hmmm. I've never wiped out on a box before and I strictly avoid any crazy YouTube videos showing that. The fear/doubt/hesitation I had today was completely new and came out of nowhere. I'm not upset with myself persay, I'm more curious about it than anything. I finished the WOD on the 18", almost laughing out loud with the thought of "WTF was that?" lol.
Now onto an even more curious finding. After a simple experiment involving straight up milk and whey protein, I found I am completely lactose intolerant. This will certainly make going Paleo a little easier lol.
Limiter: 4 days off
Squat clean 5x5
5 rounds
5 power cleans
5 burpee box jumps (24"/20")
6:22. Today was my first day back after The Infamous Stomach Bug of 2011, which morphed into finding out I'm completely lactose intolerant. Fun Fun.
First things first, after 4 days off in a row I didn't do too bad. My lifts felt pretty good and I only needed a few tweaks here and there (elbows UP!!!). The burpees sucked, as usual, but the box jumps surprised me.
I've never had an issue with box jumps. I usually do the 20" and, although my form isn't awesome yet, I feel like I'm fairly proficient at them and would consider them in my wheelhouse. When I see them listed in a WOD my heart doesn't say "oh shit". Today a very curious thing happened; after a couple jumps on the 20" I stopped. Hesitated. Thought too much and scared myself into thinking I was gonna wipe out. Hmmm. I've never wiped out on a box before and I strictly avoid any crazy YouTube videos showing that. The fear/doubt/hesitation I had today was completely new and came out of nowhere. I'm not upset with myself persay, I'm more curious about it than anything. I finished the WOD on the 18", almost laughing out loud with the thought of "WTF was that?" lol.
Now onto an even more curious finding. After a simple experiment involving straight up milk and whey protein, I found I am completely lactose intolerant. This will certainly make going Paleo a little easier lol.
Limiter: 4 days off
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