Skill Work
Squat clean 5x5
5 rounds
5 power cleans
5 burpee box jumps (24"/20")
6:22. Today was my first day back after The Infamous Stomach Bug of 2011, which morphed into finding out I'm completely lactose intolerant. Fun Fun.
First things first, after 4 days off in a row I didn't do too bad. My lifts felt pretty good and I only needed a few tweaks here and there (elbows UP!!!). The burpees sucked, as usual, but the box jumps surprised me.
I've never had an issue with box jumps. I usually do the 20" and, although my form isn't awesome yet, I feel like I'm fairly proficient at them and would consider them in my wheelhouse. When I see them listed in a WOD my heart doesn't say "oh shit". Today a very curious thing happened; after a couple jumps on the 20" I stopped. Hesitated. Thought too much and scared myself into thinking I was gonna wipe out. Hmmm. I've never wiped out on a box before and I strictly avoid any crazy YouTube videos showing that. The fear/doubt/hesitation I had today was completely new and came out of nowhere. I'm not upset with myself persay, I'm more curious about it than anything. I finished the WOD on the 18", almost laughing out loud with the thought of "WTF was that?" lol.
Now onto an even more curious finding. After a simple experiment involving straight up milk and whey protein, I found I am completely lactose intolerant. This will certainly make going Paleo a little easier lol.
Limiter: 4 days off
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