Jun 28, 2011

WOD 6.28.11 - Strength set plus some BIG news!

Warm up - .5mi run

Back Squat
2x5  45lbs
1x3  55lbs
1x2  65lbs
3x5  70lbs

Bench Press
2x5  45lbs
2x3  55lbs
3x5  65lbs

Dead Lift
2x5  45lbs
1x5  65lbs
1x3  95lbs
3x5  115lbs

1 mile run

Not much to say here, guess I'm just working my way up in strength.  My wrists, mostly the left one, are sore after all this lifting so I'm gonna try some tape and see if that helps.

and blah blah blah... now for the BIG news...

I get to start working out at the Crossfit Texas box tomorrow!!!  YAY!!!  I won't be the red headed stepchild anymore lol.  I'll be a full fledged member of a box and I'm SO very excited about that  :)  I'll be doing the 5:30AM class so that should be interesting.  Wonder if I should sub coffee in my water bottle...?

Til tomorrow peeps!


  1. YAY! So happy that you get to go to a box! I will be up with you at my box for the 5:30 am class! Have a good WOD!

  2. Thanks Katy! I'll be thinking of you bright and early! We'll kick some a$$ together yet remotely :)
