Jul 19, 2011

WOD 7.19.11 - 10min AMRAP



10 min AMRAP
10 KTE
20 sledgehammers
lunge to/from each station

3 rounds.  Not too happy with that as I was shooting for 5 but my body gave out quick.  Brannon helped my swing on the KTE and that helped a ton.  It's more of a kipping swing than backward/forward.  Still can't quite get as high as necessary but as my diastasis heals that will hopefully get better.

OHS.  Grumble grumble.  These are so awkward for me. I find that no matter where I hold the bar my hands and wrists get tingly and numb.  Even with the PVC pipe.  I asked Brannon about this and he suggested that I hold the bar higher in my hand.  I was gripping it more in my lower palm, along the line of my thumb, and he showed me how to grip it higher, around where my callouses are.  What a difference!  Instead of supporting the weight with my wrists I could now hold it up correctly with my shoulders  :)  I also need to work on opening up my shoulders and getting more flexibility so I can control the bar forward and back as I squat.

Limiter:  I think my overall limiter today was my flexibility.  Gotta Gotta Gotta work on that.  My lower back needs to be looser so I can throw back my hips to kip and my shoulders need to be more open so I can adjust my OHS.  Might need to look in to some yoga classes at the gym...

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