Jul 28, 2011

WOD 7.27.11 - KB swings, PP, supermans. 1st RX!

4 rounds for time

15 KB swings (55/35)
15 push press (95/65)
15 supermans

19:00 but more importantly... I did the WOD as prescribed!  35lb KB and 65lb PP's!  Yay!
The KB swings felt good but the PP's were tough all the way through.  Funny thing is, right when I got home from this WOD, attack of the e.coli/superstomachbug happened.  SO glad I got this workout in before my day and health went downhill! 

Since this post is a day late I can also remark on how I feel the day after the 1st RX... Wow.  I haven't hurt this bad since my first week of crossfit.  My shoulders are burning and I can barely lift my arms but I LOVE it.  I've been going through the last few weeks of WOD's with no soreness the next day.  Gassed for sure during them, but no lasting effects.  Even though the lifts were challenging, I was constantly wondering if I was going too light with the weights. I believe I got my answer lol.  I'm not saying that soreness the next day is essential for muscle building or that it's proof of a good workout... heck it might even mean I overdid it.  I welcome the occassional muscle pain the next day because for me it means I gave my max effort, and of that I am proud.


  1. So Awesomely proud of you. This was a great WOD and you rocked it. Soreness is good if its from an awesome workout. You know your muscle were taxed. Which also means you are going to get stronger from this. Your Push-Press will always be no less then 65 now. Whats really awesome about that. Lets make that into your Thrusters and you have your RX weight for Fran RAWR!!!!

  2. Thanks love! Yay for upping my Fran!
