Power clean
Front squat
Push press
Back squat
Push press
EQUALS one rep. Do this 7 times without dropping the bar to complete a round.
5 Rounds total, adding weight each time.
1. 45lbs
2. 55
3. 60
4. 65
5. 70
PR'ed my push press!
A detailed journey on the road to getting serious about Crossfit and nutrition. 3-2-1-GO!

Oct 16, 2011
Oops! Got off track wit da bloggin... but I'm back!!!
Life got a little hectic there and I haven't been able to keep up with posts. I haven't stopped WOD'ing though and have been writing all the details in my new CFTX WOD book... which I love and HIGHLY recommend. Ours is from www.sport-journals.com =)
Sep 27, 2011
WOD 9.26.11 - Back Squats
Back Squats
1 set of 5 at 75%
1 set of 3 at 85%
1 set of 1 at 95%
2mins: as many sit ups as possible
WOD - 7min AMRAP
5 box jumps
5 clapping push-ups
I am afraid of back squats. There, I said it. This is the lift that I jacked up my shoulder on and also fell forward with the weight one time after that. I used to think this was my strongest lift (PR 145) but now I'm afraid of it and it shows. I can't remember the exact weights I did for all of them but the most I got up was 115 at 3reps. Bleh!
For the st-ups I subbed planks and I did a full 1minute before breaking. After that I just held on as long as possible. After the 1min hold I got in two more. My lower back was screaming at me and my legs were shaking but I'm happy with the 1minute.
For the WOD I did a 20" box and a 55lb (1.5pood) KB. I got in 7 rounds plus 2box jumps. My breathing sucks and I don't know how to fix that. My body could have done much more but the stupid gasping held me back. Gotta figure out how to improve there.
Back Squats
1 set of 5 at 75%
1 set of 3 at 85%
1 set of 1 at 95%
2mins: as many sit ups as possible
WOD - 7min AMRAP
5 box jumps
5 clapping push-ups
I am afraid of back squats. There, I said it. This is the lift that I jacked up my shoulder on and also fell forward with the weight one time after that. I used to think this was my strongest lift (PR 145) but now I'm afraid of it and it shows. I can't remember the exact weights I did for all of them but the most I got up was 115 at 3reps. Bleh!
For the st-ups I subbed planks and I did a full 1minute before breaking. After that I just held on as long as possible. After the 1min hold I got in two more. My lower back was screaming at me and my legs were shaking but I'm happy with the 1minute.
For the WOD I did a 20" box and a 55lb (1.5pood) KB. I got in 7 rounds plus 2box jumps. My breathing sucks and I don't know how to fix that. My body could have done much more but the stupid gasping held me back. Gotta figure out how to improve there.
WOD 9.24.11 - Brennan WOD in Louisiana!!!!!
We went over to Louisiana to visit Megan Bernard from Women of Crossfit=Strong. She was SO incredibly sweet and completely spoiled us with her Southern Hospitality! All the other ladies were amazing too! We had a lot of fun conversation over beers and BBQ that night after the WOD at Meg's house. LOVE our new Louisiana family!!!!!
Before we did the WOD, 30 Marine recruits did it with their commanding officer. Wow what a humbling experience to be part of. These kids don't do CrossFit style workouts on a daily basis so you could just see in their eyes that they wanted to keel over and stop... but you could also see a burning desire to finish. A quiet determination. A fierce strength welling up from within their gut commanding them to push on and succeed. SO proud of those young men and women!!!!!
Although this WOD was a killer, it was also the most fun I've ever had!!! With every run we all pushed each other, smacked elbows, gave high fives, and shot each other acknowledging glances. Yes it was brutal in the hot midday sun. Yes we got sunburned and beat up. Would I do it again? Oh HELL yes!!! Many times over! It was one of the coolest experiences I've ever been a part of and I can't wait to visit the girls at the Bernat House of OORAH again!!!!
300m run
20 push ups
300m run
11 KBS ( I used 1pood, 35lbs)
300m run
9 power cleans ( I used 65lbs)
300m run
9 pull ups
For those of you counting, yes that's three miles of running. Ack!!!
Before we did the WOD, 30 Marine recruits did it with their commanding officer. Wow what a humbling experience to be part of. These kids don't do CrossFit style workouts on a daily basis so you could just see in their eyes that they wanted to keel over and stop... but you could also see a burning desire to finish. A quiet determination. A fierce strength welling up from within their gut commanding them to push on and succeed. SO proud of those young men and women!!!!!
Although this WOD was a killer, it was also the most fun I've ever had!!! With every run we all pushed each other, smacked elbows, gave high fives, and shot each other acknowledging glances. Yes it was brutal in the hot midday sun. Yes we got sunburned and beat up. Would I do it again? Oh HELL yes!!! Many times over! It was one of the coolest experiences I've ever been a part of and I can't wait to visit the girls at the Bernat House of OORAH again!!!!
300m run
20 push ups
300m run
11 KBS ( I used 1pood, 35lbs)
300m run
9 power cleans ( I used 65lbs)
300m run
9 pull ups
For those of you counting, yes that's three miles of running. Ack!!!
WOD 9.23.11 - PRESS
90% of ME
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3 or as many as possible
Team WOD (team of 2 and 20 min cap)
50 ground to overhead
50 KTE
50 KBS
1 mile run split up however team decides
My max press is 70 so my % went from there.
90% was 42 (45)
80% was 48 (50)
90% was 54 (55) got to 10 reps
I teamed up with Gwen and we had a lot of fun! I can't remember how much I did for the GTO, probably 55. The KTE felt good. Had a good kip swing rhythm going. Didn't quite make it to elbow every time but did my best. I used 1pood (35lbs) for the KBS.
90% of ME
70% x 3
80% x 3
90% x 3 or as many as possible
Team WOD (team of 2 and 20 min cap)
50 ground to overhead
50 KTE
50 KBS
1 mile run split up however team decides
My max press is 70 so my % went from there.
90% was 42 (45)
80% was 48 (50)
90% was 54 (55) got to 10 reps
I teamed up with Gwen and we had a lot of fun! I can't remember how much I did for the GTO, probably 55. The KTE felt good. Had a good kip swing rhythm going. Didn't quite make it to elbow every time but did my best. I used 1pood (35lbs) for the KBS.
Sep 21, 2011
WOD 9.21.11 - Killer WOD!
3 Rounds: 1 Minute at each station with a 1 minute rest after all 5 stations FIGHT GONE BAD STYLE
This was also my first time with sled runs. Those were fun. Lots more Lady Grrr. I subbed supermans for the sit-ups. I hope this is helping my diastasis some and not making it worse. Gotta do more research on that!
- Prowler High Push/Low Push suicides (5/10/15m)
- Sledgehammers
- Tire Flips
- Med-Ball Sit-ups
- Sled Runs
- Rest
This was also my first time with sled runs. Those were fun. Lots more Lady Grrr. I subbed supermans for the sit-ups. I hope this is helping my diastasis some and not making it worse. Gotta do more research on that!
WOD 9.19.11 - DEADLIFT
Deadlift at 90% max effort
70% x 3 reps, 80% x 3 reps, 90% x 3 reps + max reps
21, 15, 9
First I'd like to say that I am loving the new strength system we've got going on. I think Brannon said it's modeled after the Wendler 5 3 1 program. I can't wait to do maxes again at the end of it!!!
My DL max is 165 so my 90% is 135 and the other percentages are off of that. My max reps with the 90% (135) was 15. It was my grip that failed me, I had a few more in me if I could've just HELD ON! Lady Grrr was out for each rep after 8 lol. Ashley laughed and said I need to find a new max because I did so many max reps lol.
I got 7:16 for the WOD. I liked this one. Quick, but certainly not easy. I need to work on my kipping PU's for sure. We haven't seen them in a while for a WOD it seems so I was a little rusty. I was almost at a blue band a little while back but here I clearly needed the green.
Deadlift at 90% max effort
70% x 3 reps, 80% x 3 reps, 90% x 3 reps + max reps
21, 15, 9
First I'd like to say that I am loving the new strength system we've got going on. I think Brannon said it's modeled after the Wendler 5 3 1 program. I can't wait to do maxes again at the end of it!!!
My DL max is 165 so my 90% is 135 and the other percentages are off of that. My max reps with the 90% (135) was 15. It was my grip that failed me, I had a few more in me if I could've just HELD ON! Lady Grrr was out for each rep after 8 lol. Ashley laughed and said I need to find a new max because I did so many max reps lol.
I got 7:16 for the WOD. I liked this one. Quick, but certainly not easy. I need to work on my kipping PU's for sure. We haven't seen them in a while for a WOD it seems so I was a little rusty. I was almost at a blue band a little while back but here I clearly needed the green.
Sep 19, 2011
Fight Gone Bad!!!!! 9.17.11
WOW this was SO much fun! I did the women's full RX and got a score of 131. The last time I did it in July I got a 180 but it was modified. Not sure how good 131 really is for a first time at RX but I don't really care. I gave my all through the whole thing and felt SO satisfied at the end. It was awesome. This FGB experience confirmed in me that I LOVE to compete and can't wait until the next competition, whatever it may be! BRING IT!!!
Sep 16, 2011
WOD 9.16.11 - REST
Today is a scheduled rest day to get ready for FGB tomorrow. To be honest, I really need a rest day from life. I'm behind on everything. Even personal relationships and that is not a good feeling to have. I feel like I've got too many open applications running and can't quite seem to close any.
Getting caught up here on my blog was one open thing I can now close and that feels good :)
I'm a little nervous about tomorrow as it's my first CF competition. Just wanna jump in and get it DONE!
Getting caught up here on my blog was one open thing I can now close and that feels good :)
I'm a little nervous about tomorrow as it's my first CF competition. Just wanna jump in and get it DONE!
Power cleans
2x5 tall power cleans
2x5 hang power cleans
1x5 power cleans
Finisher: 25 jump squats
AMRAP 15 minutes
7 front squats (95/65)
7 broad jump
Power cleans: I went from 45 to 55 to 65 and did a few power cleans at 75. That was a previous 1RM for me so I'm glad I got a few in of those. Happy with that.
WOD: I used 65 for the front squat and got some good knees to chest. Good kipping rhythm with improved back flexion. Happy about that too. 8 full rounds plus another full set of squats!
Power cleans
2x5 tall power cleans
2x5 hang power cleans
1x5 power cleans
Finisher: 25 jump squats
AMRAP 15 minutes
7 front squats (95/65)
7 broad jump
Power cleans: I went from 45 to 55 to 65 and did a few power cleans at 75. That was a previous 1RM for me so I'm glad I got a few in of those. Happy with that.
WOD: I used 65 for the front squat and got some good knees to chest. Good kipping rhythm with improved back flexion. Happy about that too. 8 full rounds plus another full set of squats!
WOD 9.14.11 - LOVE doing gymnastic skillz!
Focus: handstands and hollow rock
3 rounds
50 abmat situps
30 DU
10 handstand pushups
I did supermans to modify the situps for my diastasis and did my HSPU from a box. I finished in 12:09 which was the fastest in my class but I'm fairly sure I miscounted on the DU's so I didn't write my time on the board. I think another 30 seconds would be a fairer estimate :)
3 rounds
50 abmat situps
30 DU
10 handstand pushups
I did supermans to modify the situps for my diastasis and did my HSPU from a box. I finished in 12:09 which was the fastest in my class but I'm fairly sure I miscounted on the DU's so I didn't write my time on the board. I think another 30 seconds would be a fairer estimate :)
WOD 9.13.11
3 rounds (for completion, not time)
10 minute cap
20 Thrusters (challenging weight yet try for unbroken)
10 pullups (strict to kipping)
3 rounds
10 deadlifts
10 box jumps
200m run
I think I did 55 for the thrusters (I'm writing this post a few days late). I got 11 unbroken for the first round, 12 for the second and did the last round completely unbroken. Thanks to the encouragement from my class!
Rob had three classes written out for the deadlifts. I did the first class which was marked for 85lbs. Can't remember how I finished for time but I do know that my allergies were gross this day. Like hacking up phlegm balls outside between sets, ew.
3 rounds (for completion, not time)
10 minute cap
20 Thrusters (challenging weight yet try for unbroken)
10 pullups (strict to kipping)
3 rounds
10 deadlifts
10 box jumps
200m run
I think I did 55 for the thrusters (I'm writing this post a few days late). I got 11 unbroken for the first round, 12 for the second and did the last round completely unbroken. Thanks to the encouragement from my class!
Rob had three classes written out for the deadlifts. I did the first class which was marked for 85lbs. Can't remember how I finished for time but I do know that my allergies were gross this day. Like hacking up phlegm balls outside between sets, ew.
Sep 12, 2011
WOD 9.12.11 - BACK SQUATS - Start of Wendler 5-3-1
Back Squat
90% of Max is working weight.
My max is 135 so my WW is 120.
65% for 5 reps was 75lbs
75% for 5 reps was 90lbs
85% for 10 reps was 105lbs
Our warmup was pretty intensive and after the strength WOD we did 100 situps and 100 supermans. I only did the supermans because situps make my diastasis worse.
After dropping off Trey at school I ran a mile with my BFF's :)
90% of Max is working weight.
My max is 135 so my WW is 120.
65% for 5 reps was 75lbs
75% for 5 reps was 90lbs
85% for 10 reps was 105lbs
Our warmup was pretty intensive and after the strength WOD we did 100 situps and 100 supermans. I only did the supermans because situps make my diastasis worse.
After dropping off Trey at school I ran a mile with my BFF's :)
Sep 8, 2011
WOD 9.8.11 - and Body Fat Analysis
Power Cleans
DU (2x)
It was 16: and something. Not sure lol. I used 65lbs for the cleans and used a ring to modify the pistols. Got some great depth by modifying, butt touching heel.
Observations and Affirmations
1. I'm still coming back from my shoulder injury so I need to get my strength back up to where it was. This is normal and I need to give myself grace in that. Not get frustrated that my working power clean is still at 65lbs.
2. I need to keep my arms close in for DU's instead of bringing them out like wings lol. On a positive note, I did string several together today and that makes me happy.
3. I've got a nasty cough/chest congestion thing going on so I'm hoping this is why I'm having trouble breathing through the WOD's lately. When this passes, if my breathing isn't better I need to look into why.
4. My body fat analysis was 15% this morning. I don't know a lot about this but I was told this is really good. I wish I had measured it in April before I started CrossFit so I'd know where I came from. It's okay though because I'm gonna do another 24 day challenge next week so I've got a starting marker for that :)
Power Cleans
DU (2x)
It was 16: and something. Not sure lol. I used 65lbs for the cleans and used a ring to modify the pistols. Got some great depth by modifying, butt touching heel.
Observations and Affirmations
1. I'm still coming back from my shoulder injury so I need to get my strength back up to where it was. This is normal and I need to give myself grace in that. Not get frustrated that my working power clean is still at 65lbs.
2. I need to keep my arms close in for DU's instead of bringing them out like wings lol. On a positive note, I did string several together today and that makes me happy.
3. I've got a nasty cough/chest congestion thing going on so I'm hoping this is why I'm having trouble breathing through the WOD's lately. When this passes, if my breathing isn't better I need to look into why.
4. My body fat analysis was 15% this morning. I don't know a lot about this but I was told this is really good. I wish I had measured it in April before I started CrossFit so I'd know where I came from. It's okay though because I'm gonna do another 24 day challenge next week so I've got a starting marker for that :)
Sep 7, 2011
WOD 9.7.11 - CrossFit Texas Total - 2PR's
Press 1RM
Back Squat 1RM
Bench 1RM
Deadlift 1RM
* Perform a single max effort for the lifts listed above.
* After warm-ups, three attempts are allowed.
* Total must be done in the specified order.
* Combine all 4 lifts to create a CFTX Total.
Press - 65 (Stayed same)
Back Squat - 135 (Last max was 145, -10. This was the lift I jacked my shoulder up on.)
Bench - 75 (PR! Last max was 70, +5)
Deadlift - 165 (PR! Last max was 115, +50)
CFTX Total score: 440
Back Squat 1RM
Bench 1RM
Deadlift 1RM
* Perform a single max effort for the lifts listed above.
* After warm-ups, three attempts are allowed.
* Total must be done in the specified order.
* Combine all 4 lifts to create a CFTX Total.
Press - 65 (Stayed same)
Back Squat - 135 (Last max was 145, -10. This was the lift I jacked my shoulder up on.)
Bench - 75 (PR! Last max was 70, +5)
Deadlift - 165 (PR! Last max was 115, +50)
CFTX Total score: 440
Sep 6, 2011
WOD 9.6.11
3 rounds
15 KBS
10 ground to overhead
5 muscle ups
I think it was 12:47? Sometimes my time results don't mean much to me, especially if I'm in the middle of the pack and it's not a benchmark WOD.
I used a 25lb KB and 65lb for the bar. I did mostly cleans to push presses but the last round I did split jerks :)
The muscle up progressions were fun! I started with ring pulls then the shoot through with my chest parallel to the ground (transition) and then the push to lock out my elbows. The false grip felt really weird and I had to keep readjusting to keep it. I did better than I thought I would with these and I can tell my coordination is getting better. Thank you CFTX!!!
15 KBS
10 ground to overhead
5 muscle ups
I think it was 12:47? Sometimes my time results don't mean much to me, especially if I'm in the middle of the pack and it's not a benchmark WOD.
I used a 25lb KB and 65lb for the bar. I did mostly cleans to push presses but the last round I did split jerks :)
The muscle up progressions were fun! I started with ring pulls then the shoot through with my chest parallel to the ground (transition) and then the push to lock out my elbows. The false grip felt really weird and I had to keep readjusting to keep it. I did better than I thought I would with these and I can tell my coordination is getting better. Thank you CFTX!!!
Sep 5, 2011
WOD 9.5.11
* Rowing Technique. Focus on drag setting.
* WOD (12 minute cap)
2000m row
* 15-12-9-6-3
clapping push ups
box jumps
* handstand hold against wall. Max time.
Row: 9:47. Yay! I was shooting for 10 minutes so I'm very happy with this :)
CPU and BJ: 4:36. Very happy with this also. I strung together some jumps with just a bounce in between instead of stepping down. Big plus there.
Max HS Hold: 53 seconds. My lower back gave out before my arms.
* WOD (12 minute cap)
2000m row
* 15-12-9-6-3
clapping push ups
box jumps
* handstand hold against wall. Max time.
Row: 9:47. Yay! I was shooting for 10 minutes so I'm very happy with this :)
CPU and BJ: 4:36. Very happy with this also. I strung together some jumps with just a bounce in between instead of stepping down. Big plus there.
Max HS Hold: 53 seconds. My lower back gave out before my arms.
Sep 3, 2011
The WOD that broke me.
"Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second."
- William James
Thursday, August 25th started out like many other mornings have. Alarm at 4:30am, tiptoeing around the house so as not to wake anyone, brushing my teeth in the dark and fumbling for my vitamins under the dim light of the stove hood. The usual stretching I do at home before class had some extras thrown in to address my neck and shoulder injury from last week. I felt good and somewhat limber for the first time since it happened and was hopeful for the WOD.
Here is the WOD I'm referring to, just so we're clear:
400m run
over head squats
toes to bar
400m run
I looked at it the night before so it wasn't a surprise to me. I was a little apprehensive for the T2B because the last time I did them I tore up my hands pretty bad. Still, I don't ever give up on a WOD or avoid a day because of one unsavory element. I go to the box and I do the WOD. Period. Practice makes perfect, train your weakneses, blah blah blah. Giving up simply isn't an option for me.
Fast forward to the first set of T2B and for some strange reason I could only do two attempts before jumping down. Not because of my sore shoulder and not because of any tears on my hands, but because I had this voice in my head saying "I can't do this". I have NO idea where this thought came from so it really shook me bad. I wanted nothing more than to turn on my heels, march out of the box, and escape to the comfort of my car. For the first time since starting CrossFit I wanted to give up and it scared the hell out of me. It would have been so easy to throw everything I've worked so hard for right out the window in that moment.
I'd like to say my mental grit won out for the rest of the WOD but it didn't. It was a struggle to keep the two or three reps at a time that I was doing and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. Ordinarily I don't notice what everyone else is doing. It's just me and the WOD. On this day however, it was hard to overlook the fact that everyone else was on their last 400m run while I was still struggling with my first set of 21 T2B. I felt pathetic, weak and idiotic but I knew I had to finish.
Rob, the usual trainer for this class and someone who's seen me WOD day in and day out, kindly suggested I try the GHD as a modification for the T2B. Little did he know that this device is actually torture for me because I am completely afraid of falling on my head. It's also my fault that I never told him I have diastasis recti (separated ab muscles) and I believe the GHD makes it worse. "I can't do this" part two arose and I was near tears again. Feeling humbled and mentally battered, I finally finished the 21-15-9 and went out to start my last run. As I left the building I heard someone say, "Is she still going?". Sigh.
What took most of the class 15-20 minutes took me about 40.
So what's the take-home here? How am I supposed to feel about this besides pathetic, worthless, pissed off and humbled? As you can tell from the date of the WOD, this has taken me a little while to process. Now that I'm on the other side I can genuinely say that I'm glad this happened. Just like we do lifts to failure so we know where our limits lie and how to stretch them, this experience of mental weakness was necessary for me to grow. You can't get mentally tougher with days full of sunshine and rainbows. It's the sucky WOD's that grind your confidence down and reshape your brain game.
The next time I want to give up (and it will happen again), I will be better prepared to face it and keep going. Even if I have tears of defeat streaming down my face I know that my muscles are stronger than that. Every Single Time. I want to get to that second wind mentioned in the quote above. Wonder how much stronger I can be on that? How much longer I can hold on? I have the feeling that elusive second wind holds many PR's... and I can't wait to fail again and try to find out!!!
Sep 1, 2011
WOD 9.1.11 - two new breakthroughs!
50 DU
9 thrusters
1 rope climb
40 DU
9 thrusters
1 rope climb
30 DU
9 thrusters
1 rope climb
20 DU
9 thrusters
1 rope climb
10 DU
9 thrusters
1 rope climb
17:25. I used a 45lb bar for the thrusters since my shoulders/back are still sore from the DL/KB WOD on Tuesday. I did towel and blue band pull-ups for the rope climbs.
I finished with 20 minutes left in class so I decided to fool around on the ropes. Took me a few tries but once I got the foot placement right I was OFF! Did a 12ft rope climb for the first time! I seriously want to go back and do some more now that I've cooled down from the WOD lol! It's funny, when I attain a new skill I float on air for the day and am dying to go back and do more :) I also strung 4 DU together today when before all I could do was one and then I'd whip the back of my head. I'm so graceful. I did use a different rope today and after measuring it I saw it was a good 2 or so inches longer.
Think it's time I git me my own rope!
9 thrusters
1 rope climb
40 DU
9 thrusters
1 rope climb
30 DU
9 thrusters
1 rope climb
20 DU
9 thrusters
1 rope climb
10 DU
9 thrusters
1 rope climb
17:25. I used a 45lb bar for the thrusters since my shoulders/back are still sore from the DL/KB WOD on Tuesday. I did towel and blue band pull-ups for the rope climbs.
I finished with 20 minutes left in class so I decided to fool around on the ropes. Took me a few tries but once I got the foot placement right I was OFF! Did a 12ft rope climb for the first time! I seriously want to go back and do some more now that I've cooled down from the WOD lol! It's funny, when I attain a new skill I float on air for the day and am dying to go back and do more :) I also strung 4 DU together today when before all I could do was one and then I'd whip the back of my head. I'm so graceful. I did use a different rope today and after measuring it I saw it was a good 2 or so inches longer.
Think it's time I git me my own rope!
Aug 30, 2011
WOD 8.30.11 - RX and Day 15 of 24day challenge
Deadlift (185/115)
leg levers
KBS (53/35, 1.5pood, 1pood)
9:09. RX BABY!!!!!
First one since The Injury and it felt great. I feel great. The vitamins from the Advocare Challenge are really kicking in now and I've ramped up my Paleo. 0 gluten + 0 dairy for me = awesome :) My body feels lighter in a weird way. Not so much because I've lost weight but more like I feel increased energy, strength and stamina. Like a fog has been lifted. Maybe that's all the inflammation of carb and dairy addiction leaving my body? Whatever it is, I feel fantastic! Down 6lbs since starting the challenge and... we have GOAL WEIGHT!
I met Trey's new gym teacher this morning and she asked "Are you Trey's FIT mama?" lol! Never had anyone call me that before! She said she loves seeing her students brought up in a fit and nutritionally sound home and appreciated that he knew a lot about nutrition already. Yay :) Next goal... get him eating spinach lol. Gotta find me some old Popeye cartoons...
Deadlift (185/115)
leg levers
KBS (53/35, 1.5pood, 1pood)
9:09. RX BABY!!!!!
First one since The Injury and it felt great. I feel great. The vitamins from the Advocare Challenge are really kicking in now and I've ramped up my Paleo. 0 gluten + 0 dairy for me = awesome :) My body feels lighter in a weird way. Not so much because I've lost weight but more like I feel increased energy, strength and stamina. Like a fog has been lifted. Maybe that's all the inflammation of carb and dairy addiction leaving my body? Whatever it is, I feel fantastic! Down 6lbs since starting the challenge and... we have GOAL WEIGHT!
I met Trey's new gym teacher this morning and she asked "Are you Trey's FIT mama?" lol! Never had anyone call me that before! She said she loves seeing her students brought up in a fit and nutritionally sound home and appreciated that he knew a lot about nutrition already. Yay :) Next goal... get him eating spinach lol. Gotta find me some old Popeye cartoons...
Aug 29, 2011
WOD 8.29.11 - Shoulder is alllllmost back to normal!!!
Snatch 5x5x5x5
20min AMRAP
run 400m
max pull-ups
score is total number of pull-ups
70 pull-ups and 1.25 mile!!! I am very happy with this :)
400m run
25 pull-ups
400m run
20 pull-ups
400m run
10 pull-ups
400m run
15 pull-ups
400m run
20min AMRAP
run 400m
max pull-ups
score is total number of pull-ups
70 pull-ups and 1.25 mile!!! I am very happy with this :)
400m run
25 pull-ups
400m run
20 pull-ups
400m run
10 pull-ups
400m run
15 pull-ups
400m run
Aug 26, 2011
WOD 8.26.11
Team WOD
2 rounds
75 push press
50 box jumps
25 burpee pullups
I partnered with James as we're both nursing injuries and it just made sense. (The actual WOD was supposed to be 3 people to a team for 3 rounds.) We did 35 for the PP and used a 20" box. I conquered my fear of the wooden box (yay!) and jumped all of them. The PP's felt good on my neck/shoulder. I did a few 55's before the WOD and those felt good too but I knew I couldn't sustain that strength over the entire WOD.
2 rounds
75 push press
50 box jumps
25 burpee pullups
I partnered with James as we're both nursing injuries and it just made sense. (The actual WOD was supposed to be 3 people to a team for 3 rounds.) We did 35 for the PP and used a 20" box. I conquered my fear of the wooden box (yay!) and jumped all of them. The PP's felt good on my neck/shoulder. I did a few 55's before the WOD and those felt good too but I knew I couldn't sustain that strength over the entire WOD.
WOD 8.24.11 - FGB practice
3 rounds
1 minute per station
wall balls (14/20)
box jumps
sledge hammers
tire flips
50,60,70 = 180.
I think it's so peculiar that I get more reps as the rounds go on. This happened when I first did FGB too lol. Wonder how I would've done with 5 rounds? I'm shooting for 200 when we do FGB for real on September 17th so I'm pretty happy with 180 for now. As I'm writing this on Friday (8/26) and this WOD was on Wednesday, my neck is feeling considerably better now than it did then so... I think with another couple weeks of rehab a score of 200 is possible.
1 minute per station
wall balls (14/20)
box jumps
sledge hammers
tire flips
50,60,70 = 180.
I think it's so peculiar that I get more reps as the rounds go on. This happened when I first did FGB too lol. Wonder how I would've done with 5 rounds? I'm shooting for 200 when we do FGB for real on September 17th so I'm pretty happy with 180 for now. As I'm writing this on Friday (8/26) and this WOD was on Wednesday, my neck is feeling considerably better now than it did then so... I think with another couple weeks of rehab a score of 200 is possible.
Aug 22, 2011
WOD 8.22.11 - Still in neck rehab. Day 8 of challenge.
Front Squats (95/65)
Push Press (95/65)
Floor Wipers
Time was 10:54 but it didn't really matter because I used a PVC pipe today. My neck feels good, still some pain but ROM is greatly increased. Probably could have done the 15lb bar but I'm trying to be conservative :)
It's also Day 8 of the Advocare 24day Challenge. I'm down 4lbs so far and am feeling great about food. I haven't had that many cravings and every time I feel hungry between meals (aka when I would have snacked) I drink a glass of water and the "hunger" goes away. I'm relearning what thirsty feels like and I'm starting to believe that's been one problem for me all along. My body wanted water but instead I snacked lol. I haven't redone my measurements since the night before Day 1 but I already know I've lost inches in my thighs and waist. Clothes are fitting differently already...yay!
Front Squats (95/65)
Push Press (95/65)
Floor Wipers
Time was 10:54 but it didn't really matter because I used a PVC pipe today. My neck feels good, still some pain but ROM is greatly increased. Probably could have done the 15lb bar but I'm trying to be conservative :)
It's also Day 8 of the Advocare 24day Challenge. I'm down 4lbs so far and am feeling great about food. I haven't had that many cravings and every time I feel hungry between meals (aka when I would have snacked) I drink a glass of water and the "hunger" goes away. I'm relearning what thirsty feels like and I'm starting to believe that's been one problem for me all along. My body wanted water but instead I snacked lol. I haven't redone my measurements since the night before Day 1 but I already know I've lost inches in my thighs and waist. Clothes are fitting differently already...yay!
Aug 18, 2011
Back at it! ...and day 4 of the Advocare 24day challenge
Long story short, I ended up injuring my shoulder/neck on Monday. I took Tuesday and Wednesday off and today is my first day back. Kinesiology tape and all =) I didn't do the WOD as written, I mostly did some light rowing and some stretches with the PVC pipe. Felt good to get the area moving.
Today was an EMOTM WOD so I did 10 pushups on my knees every minute. I finished 8 rounds so I'm happy with that. Got a good sweat going and iced my neck afterwards. Felt great =)
Day 4 of the challenge and I've lost 2.5lbs. Yay! Feeling very energetic and I know that the Omegaplex capsules are making a big difference in my shoulder recovery. Both my chiropractor and sports medicine doc both commented on how quickly I'm healing. Good nutrition and supplements make a huge difference with that!!!
Today was an EMOTM WOD so I did 10 pushups on my knees every minute. I finished 8 rounds so I'm happy with that. Got a good sweat going and iced my neck afterwards. Felt great =)
Day 4 of the challenge and I've lost 2.5lbs. Yay! Feeling very energetic and I know that the Omegaplex capsules are making a big difference in my shoulder recovery. Both my chiropractor and sports medicine doc both commented on how quickly I'm healing. Good nutrition and supplements make a huge difference with that!!!
Aug 15, 2011
WOD 8-15-11, HUGE PR and - Day 1 of 24 day challenge
Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1
Mountain Climbers
KB Swings
6:04. I had to wait about 10 seconds for a green pullup band to be free so I would've had this in under 6:00.
Got a great PR on the back squat. My previous was 115 and today I did 145! Woo Hoo! That's BW+20 :) I didn't technically fail on 145 so I could've pushed to 155 but when I racked it I jacked up my right neck/shoulder. Still happy with 145 but also curious what I would have failed on. Up 30lbs in 10 days, not bad!!!
Rob had me do single hand KB snatches instead of the swings because of my neck. It's ok, it's worth it for the PR.
I am really happy that I did the 21 and 15 pullups unbroken. That's huge for me.
Advocare 24 Day Challenge
Today is day one so not much to report yet. I'll update again in a couple days :)
Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1
Mountain Climbers
KB Swings
6:04. I had to wait about 10 seconds for a green pullup band to be free so I would've had this in under 6:00.
Got a great PR on the back squat. My previous was 115 and today I did 145! Woo Hoo! That's BW+20 :) I didn't technically fail on 145 so I could've pushed to 155 but when I racked it I jacked up my right neck/shoulder. Still happy with 145 but also curious what I would have failed on. Up 30lbs in 10 days, not bad!!!
Rob had me do single hand KB snatches instead of the swings because of my neck. It's ok, it's worth it for the PR.
I am really happy that I did the 21 and 15 pullups unbroken. That's huge for me.
Advocare 24 Day Challenge
Today is day one so not much to report yet. I'll update again in a couple days :)
Aug 11, 2011
WOD 8-11-11 - another PR!
Strength: Press 1-1-1-1-1
Skill: 100 double unders - 5min cap
WOD: 5 minute AMRAP
5 ring dips
8 box jumps
Went for a PR press (70lbs) but only got half way. Tried 5 frickin times lol. Matched my max of 65.
Ok scratch all of the above sentence lol. My previous max press was 60 so I actually got another PR today... 65lbs! Yay!
Whipped myself in the head numerous times from the DU's but got several more this time...yay! Progress is progress.
7 rounds plus 5 box jumps so... only 3 more jumps and I would've had 8 rounds. So close! Did good on the bouncing back down form the box and immediately back up. That's a new development for me and I kept that up almost the entire time. Whenever I thought too much about it I froze up so today's lesson is "less thinking". This was my first time with ring dips so I did them on my toes. They didn't get really tough until set 7. Somewhere in the middle (maybe set 4 or 5) I lifted up off the ground and that felt good. Challenging good but too hard to keep that motion from then on.
All in all a great WOD! SO glad to be back to 530am!
Skill: 100 double unders - 5min cap
WOD: 5 minute AMRAP
5 ring dips
8 box jumps
Ok scratch all of the above sentence lol. My previous max press was 60 so I actually got another PR today... 65lbs! Yay!
Whipped myself in the head numerous times from the DU's but got several more this time...yay! Progress is progress.
7 rounds plus 5 box jumps so... only 3 more jumps and I would've had 8 rounds. So close! Did good on the bouncing back down form the box and immediately back up. That's a new development for me and I kept that up almost the entire time. Whenever I thought too much about it I froze up so today's lesson is "less thinking". This was my first time with ring dips so I did them on my toes. They didn't get really tough until set 7. Somewhere in the middle (maybe set 4 or 5) I lifted up off the ground and that felt good. Challenging good but too hard to keep that motion from then on.
All in all a great WOD! SO glad to be back to 530am!
Aug 10, 2011
WOD 8.10.11
800m run
Toes to Bar
800m run
I GOTTA get better at running. And breathing. And doing both of those at the same time. Had a good kip motion for the T2B so was happy about that. My lower back felt much more flexible... maybe from all the core work I've been doing lately.
Toes to Bar
800m run
I GOTTA get better at running. And breathing. And doing both of those at the same time. Had a good kip motion for the T2B so was happy about that. My lower back felt much more flexible... maybe from all the core work I've been doing lately.
![]() |
And I suppose this means I've been initiated :) Ow! |
Aug 9, 2011
WOD 8.9.11
squat cleans 3-3-3-3-3
12 handstand pushups (135/95)
2 power cleans
4 power cleans
6 power cleans
8 power cleans
10 power cleans
12 power cleans
9:49 using 65lbs. I didn't come down much at all for the power cleans so I could've done another 10lbs I think.
I did GHD situps for the first time during the warmups and those were WEIRD. Definitely felt like I was gonna fall on my head. My back was hurting during them and Rob told me to tighten my abs which helped a lot. Blyth spotted for me :)
I got to 65lbs for the squat clean and my limiter wasn't the weight but my feet. I kept coming waaaaaay wide in the squat. Rob agreed and said I was cleaning the 65 way up so the weight wasn't the issue. Gotta work on that.
Good sweaty WOD today!
12 handstand pushups (135/95)
2 power cleans
4 power cleans
6 power cleans
8 power cleans
10 power cleans
12 power cleans
9:49 using 65lbs. I didn't come down much at all for the power cleans so I could've done another 10lbs I think.
I did GHD situps for the first time during the warmups and those were WEIRD. Definitely felt like I was gonna fall on my head. My back was hurting during them and Rob told me to tighten my abs which helped a lot. Blyth spotted for me :)
I got to 65lbs for the squat clean and my limiter wasn't the weight but my feet. I kept coming waaaaaay wide in the squat. Rob agreed and said I was cleaning the 65 way up so the weight wasn't the issue. Gotta work on that.
Good sweaty WOD today!
Aug 8, 2011
WOD 8.8.11 - 6pm class
10 minute AMRAP
3 DL (275/185)
6 lateral burpees
8 rounds at 115lbs. I wanted to try for 125 (BW) but I had a couple things against me:
1. I took the 6pm class instead of the 530am class. It was 109 degrees. Nuff said. That's about 20 degrees hotter than my usual class time.
2. I usually WOD with an empty belly. Just Catalyst and Spark. I was already regretting my dinner before the WOD even started.
I don't see these as excuses at all, just limiters. I knew my form wouldn't be as good if I went with the 125 and I didn't want to jack up my back for the week. I think if I could've done this WOD at my regular morning time I could've done the 125. Ah next time. There will always be a next time!
3 DL (275/185)
6 lateral burpees
8 rounds at 115lbs. I wanted to try for 125 (BW) but I had a couple things against me:
1. I took the 6pm class instead of the 530am class. It was 109 degrees. Nuff said. That's about 20 degrees hotter than my usual class time.
2. I usually WOD with an empty belly. Just Catalyst and Spark. I was already regretting my dinner before the WOD even started.
I don't see these as excuses at all, just limiters. I knew my form wouldn't be as good if I went with the 125 and I didn't want to jack up my back for the week. I think if I could've done this WOD at my regular morning time I could've done the 125. Ah next time. There will always be a next time!
Aug 5, 2011
WOD 8.5.11 - fun WOD plus another PR
Back Squat 5x3 - 115lbs... a new PR and only 10lbs away from body weight yay!!! My last max for these was 75 and that was only 10 days ago!!! That was right before I got the Super Stomach Bug of 2011 though so that's probably why I felt weaker then. I love working on strength skills and getting new PR's. It's a great barometer to chart my progress and Grrr-ing through the heavy weight feels awesome!
Partner WOD
3 rounds for time
25m weighted lunge (25/10)
25 pullups
25 ring push ups
50 sit ups
I partnered with Jill this morning :) We did 10lbs for the lunge and this was my first time doing those. I could have pushed and done the 25 but now I know for next time. This was also my first time with ring push ups and whew those were awkward! I did them modified where I walked forward a bit to make the rings about 2ft from the ground. I went back to the green band for the pullups and those felt great. Had a good solid rhythm going.
4 hrs sleep, chinese food and a couple beers last night. I still felt good this morning and am pleased with my effort but I think if I got 6hrs of sleep and ate clean I would have done even better.
Back Squat 5x3 - 115lbs... a new PR and only 10lbs away from body weight yay!!! My last max for these was 75 and that was only 10 days ago!!! That was right before I got the Super Stomach Bug of 2011 though so that's probably why I felt weaker then. I love working on strength skills and getting new PR's. It's a great barometer to chart my progress and Grrr-ing through the heavy weight feels awesome!
Partner WOD
3 rounds for time
25m weighted lunge (25/10)
25 pullups
25 ring push ups
50 sit ups
I partnered with Jill this morning :) We did 10lbs for the lunge and this was my first time doing those. I could have pushed and done the 25 but now I know for next time. This was also my first time with ring push ups and whew those were awkward! I did them modified where I walked forward a bit to make the rings about 2ft from the ground. I went back to the green band for the pullups and those felt great. Had a good solid rhythm going.
4 hrs sleep, chinese food and a couple beers last night. I still felt good this morning and am pleased with my effort but I think if I got 6hrs of sleep and ate clean I would have done even better.
Aug 3, 2011
WOD 8.3.11 - RX and a PR
Got a PR on my strict press - 60lbs
and RX'ed this WOD. Today's gonna be a good day!
On DL form: Need to keep my back straight on the way back down. Remember to take a breath at the top before releasing to keep back from rounding. Lock shoulders back the entire time to keep from rounding. Not so much a shrug but straight back. This helps back stay straight too.
and RX'ed this WOD. Today's gonna be a good day!
On DL form: Need to keep my back straight on the way back down. Remember to take a breath at the top before releasing to keep back from rounding. Lock shoulders back the entire time to keep from rounding. Not so much a shrug but straight back. This helps back stay straight too.
Aug 2, 2011
WOD 8.2.11
AMRAP 15 minutes
25 box jumps (24/20")
20 KB swings (53/35)
15 toes to bar
10 burpees
Not sure how to score this one. I can only do KTE and didn't even get the 15 per round so is this a DNF? Not sure. If they were omitted I got 1.75 rounds lol. I used a box that I thought was 20" but ended up being 18 and started off with a 35lb KB and dropped down to a 25.
Limiter: Not having a good swing for the KTE, and as usual, I need more sleep.
25 box jumps (24/20")
20 KB swings (53/35)
15 toes to bar
10 burpees
Not sure how to score this one. I can only do KTE and didn't even get the 15 per round so is this a DNF? Not sure. If they were omitted I got 1.75 rounds lol. I used a box that I thought was 20" but ended up being 18 and started off with a 35lb KB and dropped down to a 25.
Limiter: Not having a good swing for the KTE, and as usual, I need more sleep.
Aug 1, 2011
WOD 8.1.11 - Squat cleans and burpee box jumps
Skill Work
Squat clean 5x5
5 rounds
5 power cleans
5 burpee box jumps (24"/20")
6:22. Today was my first day back after The Infamous Stomach Bug of 2011, which morphed into finding out I'm completely lactose intolerant. Fun Fun.
First things first, after 4 days off in a row I didn't do too bad. My lifts felt pretty good and I only needed a few tweaks here and there (elbows UP!!!). The burpees sucked, as usual, but the box jumps surprised me.
I've never had an issue with box jumps. I usually do the 20" and, although my form isn't awesome yet, I feel like I'm fairly proficient at them and would consider them in my wheelhouse. When I see them listed in a WOD my heart doesn't say "oh shit". Today a very curious thing happened; after a couple jumps on the 20" I stopped. Hesitated. Thought too much and scared myself into thinking I was gonna wipe out. Hmmm. I've never wiped out on a box before and I strictly avoid any crazy YouTube videos showing that. The fear/doubt/hesitation I had today was completely new and came out of nowhere. I'm not upset with myself persay, I'm more curious about it than anything. I finished the WOD on the 18", almost laughing out loud with the thought of "WTF was that?" lol.
Now onto an even more curious finding. After a simple experiment involving straight up milk and whey protein, I found I am completely lactose intolerant. This will certainly make going Paleo a little easier lol.
Limiter: 4 days off
Squat clean 5x5
5 rounds
5 power cleans
5 burpee box jumps (24"/20")
6:22. Today was my first day back after The Infamous Stomach Bug of 2011, which morphed into finding out I'm completely lactose intolerant. Fun Fun.
First things first, after 4 days off in a row I didn't do too bad. My lifts felt pretty good and I only needed a few tweaks here and there (elbows UP!!!). The burpees sucked, as usual, but the box jumps surprised me.
I've never had an issue with box jumps. I usually do the 20" and, although my form isn't awesome yet, I feel like I'm fairly proficient at them and would consider them in my wheelhouse. When I see them listed in a WOD my heart doesn't say "oh shit". Today a very curious thing happened; after a couple jumps on the 20" I stopped. Hesitated. Thought too much and scared myself into thinking I was gonna wipe out. Hmmm. I've never wiped out on a box before and I strictly avoid any crazy YouTube videos showing that. The fear/doubt/hesitation I had today was completely new and came out of nowhere. I'm not upset with myself persay, I'm more curious about it than anything. I finished the WOD on the 18", almost laughing out loud with the thought of "WTF was that?" lol.
Now onto an even more curious finding. After a simple experiment involving straight up milk and whey protein, I found I am completely lactose intolerant. This will certainly make going Paleo a little easier lol.
Limiter: 4 days off
Jul 29, 2011
Jul 28, 2011
WOD 7.27.11 - KB swings, PP, supermans. 1st RX!
4 rounds for time
15 KB swings (55/35)
15 push press (95/65)
15 supermans
19:00 but more importantly... I did the WOD as prescribed! 35lb KB and 65lb PP's! Yay!
The KB swings felt good but the PP's were tough all the way through. Funny thing is, right when I got home from this WOD, attack of the e.coli/superstomachbug happened. SO glad I got this workout in before my day and health went downhill!
Since this post is a day late I can also remark on how I feel the day after the 1st RX... Wow. I haven't hurt this bad since my first week of crossfit. My shoulders are burning and I can barely lift my arms but I LOVE it. I've been going through the last few weeks of WOD's with no soreness the next day. Gassed for sure during them, but no lasting effects. Even though the lifts were challenging, I was constantly wondering if I was going too light with the weights. I believe I got my answer lol. I'm not saying that soreness the next day is essential for muscle building or that it's proof of a good workout... heck it might even mean I overdid it. I welcome the occassional muscle pain the next day because for me it means I gave my max effort, and of that I am proud.
15 KB swings (55/35)
15 push press (95/65)
15 supermans
19:00 but more importantly... I did the WOD as prescribed! 35lb KB and 65lb PP's! Yay!
The KB swings felt good but the PP's were tough all the way through. Funny thing is, right when I got home from this WOD, attack of the e.coli/superstomachbug happened. SO glad I got this workout in before my day and health went downhill!
Since this post is a day late I can also remark on how I feel the day after the 1st RX... Wow. I haven't hurt this bad since my first week of crossfit. My shoulders are burning and I can barely lift my arms but I LOVE it. I've been going through the last few weeks of WOD's with no soreness the next day. Gassed for sure during them, but no lasting effects. Even though the lifts were challenging, I was constantly wondering if I was going too light with the weights. I believe I got my answer lol. I'm not saying that soreness the next day is essential for muscle building or that it's proof of a good workout... heck it might even mean I overdid it. I welcome the occassional muscle pain the next day because for me it means I gave my max effort, and of that I am proud.
Jul 26, 2011
WOD 7.26.11 - back squats and DU's.
Skill : press 5x5 for max. No legs, just straight up from arms. 55lbs was my max.
WOD: 3 rounds for time
10 back squats (135/95)
50 double unders
Didn't look at my time. I don't have DU's yet so I had to do triple singles each time... and yes that adds up to 450. My brain feels like it's still jumping inside my head and I know if I threw up I'd feel a LOT better. Did 65lbs for the back squats, should've done 75.
1. I gotta work on my rope skills. If I can't get DU's yet I at least have to clean up my singles. Not sure how to fix the brain-bouncing-inside-my-head feeling but I'll work on it.
2. Self doubt. Today's WOD marks several where I could have gone heavier but didn't. Where I should've put 10 more on the bar to really push it. I can't advance if I don't first fail. I think in the timed WOD's I'm afraid of having to take time to drop weight. I'd rather finish last and go to failure on a lift than finish middle of the pack with a less challenging weight.
3. Sleep wasn't so much an issue this time. Got 6.5hrs which is much more doable than the 4hrs I've been consistently getting.
4. Must eat more.
Side note: pullups were part of the warmup today so I grabbed the blue band and jumped up to kip. Totally lost it. I think I may have moved from the green band too soon. I feel like my body is falling apart all over. Any gains I've made in the past couple weeks seem to be slipping away. I'm not sure what it is but it sucks. I don't feel strong at all, instead I feel mostly pukey. I hope I'm not overtraining...
WOD: 3 rounds for time
10 back squats (135/95)
50 double unders
Didn't look at my time. I don't have DU's yet so I had to do triple singles each time... and yes that adds up to 450. My brain feels like it's still jumping inside my head and I know if I threw up I'd feel a LOT better. Did 65lbs for the back squats, should've done 75.
1. I gotta work on my rope skills. If I can't get DU's yet I at least have to clean up my singles. Not sure how to fix the brain-bouncing-inside-my-head feeling but I'll work on it.
2. Self doubt. Today's WOD marks several where I could have gone heavier but didn't. Where I should've put 10 more on the bar to really push it. I can't advance if I don't first fail. I think in the timed WOD's I'm afraid of having to take time to drop weight. I'd rather finish last and go to failure on a lift than finish middle of the pack with a less challenging weight.
3. Sleep wasn't so much an issue this time. Got 6.5hrs which is much more doable than the 4hrs I've been consistently getting.
4. Must eat more.
Side note: pullups were part of the warmup today so I grabbed the blue band and jumped up to kip. Totally lost it. I think I may have moved from the green band too soon. I feel like my body is falling apart all over. Any gains I've made in the past couple weeks seem to be slipping away. I'm not sure what it is but it sucks. I don't feel strong at all, instead I feel mostly pukey. I hope I'm not overtraining...
Jul 25, 2011
I am a huge dork.
I take the 5:30am class at CFTX. The night before, right before I go to bed, I read the WOD for the next day. I start thinking about the moves and specific motions for every lift and before I know it I'm super excited, the adrenaline is rushing, and I'm ready to do the WOD right then lol. It takes me another couple hours to calm down so I can actually go to sleep which means I get about 4 hrs sleep a night. That is NOT acceptable!!!
I suppose my enthusiasm is a good thing but this no sleep thing is killing me! Here's last night for example:
9:30pm - read the WOD for today. Should have gone to sleep right then.
12:30am - finally fell asleep after practicing the squat cleans and watching videos for modified ring dips.
2:30am-4:00am - woke up and starting thinking about the WOD again and how much I needed to go back to sleep. Decided I couldn't do the WOD today with such little sleep since I'd need to wake up at 4:30am for class.
Ryan has prohibited me from reading the WOD the night before. I also believe I need to find some WODaholics Anonymous meetings. I am definitely a huge dork :)
I suppose my enthusiasm is a good thing but this no sleep thing is killing me! Here's last night for example:
9:30pm - read the WOD for today. Should have gone to sleep right then.
12:30am - finally fell asleep after practicing the squat cleans and watching videos for modified ring dips.
2:30am-4:00am - woke up and starting thinking about the WOD again and how much I needed to go back to sleep. Decided I couldn't do the WOD today with such little sleep since I'd need to wake up at 4:30am for class.
Ryan has prohibited me from reading the WOD the night before. I also believe I need to find some WODaholics Anonymous meetings. I am definitely a huge dork :)
Oly Lifting practice w Howard
Worked on snatch with Howard today. This and the OHS were my weakest lifts but I feel much more confident about them now. Howard is a wealth of knowledge on form so I kept my mouth shut and listened, listened, listened. He was so generous to spend his whole Sunday in the crazy heat, helping anyone who wanted it for FREE!
Just more evidence that the coaches at CFTX are simply the best!!!
I had a couple instances where my explosion was good so I gotta remember exactly how that felt. My foot placement goes a little wide after the stomp but Howard said that's an easy fix once I get my explosion down. I can only muscle up so much, it's the explosion that's gonna increase my weight load. He also had me going down to a power squat (half way) instead of all the way down. That helped tremendously. The full squat will come and the confidence I gained from today's practice will get me there!
Thanks so much Howard!!!
Just more evidence that the coaches at CFTX are simply the best!!!
I had a couple instances where my explosion was good so I gotta remember exactly how that felt. My foot placement goes a little wide after the stomp but Howard said that's an easy fix once I get my explosion down. I can only muscle up so much, it's the explosion that's gonna increase my weight load. He also had me going down to a power squat (half way) instead of all the way down. That helped tremendously. The full squat will come and the confidence I gained from today's practice will get me there!
Thanks so much Howard!!!
Jul 22, 2011
WOD 7.22.11 - Buck Furpees
* thrusters
* run 50m
* every min athlete running does 5 burpees
This WOD left me the most gassed in recent history. Friggin burpees are the death of me. Every time I go down I pretty much knock my wind out so it's sheer heart to get back up. All I had for breakfast was vitamins and Catalyst and with every burpee I thought I was gonna puke up whole capsules. Fun. I partnered with Diana and our thruster score was 78. My individual stats were 45 thrusters, 20 burpees and a combined 200m run. We had our bar at 35lbs :) My lady Grrr was out today lol.
Limiter: Friggin burpees.
Jul 20, 2011
Jul 19, 2011
WOD 7.19.11 - 10min AMRAP
10 min AMRAP
10 KTE
20 sledgehammers
lunge to/from each station
3 rounds. Not too happy with that as I was shooting for 5 but my body gave out quick. Brannon helped my swing on the KTE and that helped a ton. It's more of a kipping swing than backward/forward. Still can't quite get as high as necessary but as my diastasis heals that will hopefully get better.
OHS. Grumble grumble. These are so awkward for me. I find that no matter where I hold the bar my hands and wrists get tingly and numb. Even with the PVC pipe. I asked Brannon about this and he suggested that I hold the bar higher in my hand. I was gripping it more in my lower palm, along the line of my thumb, and he showed me how to grip it higher, around where my callouses are. What a difference! Instead of supporting the weight with my wrists I could now hold it up correctly with my shoulders :) I also need to work on opening up my shoulders and getting more flexibility so I can control the bar forward and back as I squat.
Limiter: I think my overall limiter today was my flexibility. Gotta Gotta Gotta work on that. My lower back needs to be looser so I can throw back my hips to kip and my shoulders need to be more open so I can adjust my OHS. Might need to look in to some yoga classes at the gym...
10 min AMRAP
10 KTE
20 sledgehammers
lunge to/from each station
3 rounds. Not too happy with that as I was shooting for 5 but my body gave out quick. Brannon helped my swing on the KTE and that helped a ton. It's more of a kipping swing than backward/forward. Still can't quite get as high as necessary but as my diastasis heals that will hopefully get better.
OHS. Grumble grumble. These are so awkward for me. I find that no matter where I hold the bar my hands and wrists get tingly and numb. Even with the PVC pipe. I asked Brannon about this and he suggested that I hold the bar higher in my hand. I was gripping it more in my lower palm, along the line of my thumb, and he showed me how to grip it higher, around where my callouses are. What a difference! Instead of supporting the weight with my wrists I could now hold it up correctly with my shoulders :) I also need to work on opening up my shoulders and getting more flexibility so I can control the bar forward and back as I squat.
Limiter: I think my overall limiter today was my flexibility. Gotta Gotta Gotta work on that. My lower back needs to be looser so I can throw back my hips to kip and my shoulders need to be more open so I can adjust my OHS. Might need to look in to some yoga classes at the gym...
Jul 18, 2011
WOD 7.18.11 - DL and HSPU
5 rounds for time
10 DL (155/115)
4:17 I was the second one finished but modified both moves so it doesn't truly count. I used a 20" box for a modified HSPU since this was my first time doing them. By the second set I wish I had done a 24" so I'll remember that for next time. For deadlifts I did 95 and they felt good. By rep 6 or 7 in each set I felt like I was pulling more with my back. I asked Brannon about it and after watching me do a couple, he noticed I was hyperextending at the top. I was jutting out my chest too much and curving the top of my back outwards, making my lower back sore. After his correction I did a few more and they felt better.
Rob took a cert this weekend and came back with some great info. Before every deadlift he had us clench our butt cheeks and pull the belly button to the spine. I think that was supposed to keep our midline straight? I forget the why but I do know it helped me with the lifts :)
He also showed us to rotate our wrists and arms for pushups. You don't literally pick up your hands and move them but turn your arms outward to go down and inward to go back up, like your arms are screws. This made pushups easier and more efficient.
I worked on some kipping pullups after class and am now using the thinner blue band...Yay! I also practiced double unders and finally got one! Bunny hop not donkey jump!
Today was a great workout!
10 DL (155/115)
4:17 I was the second one finished but modified both moves so it doesn't truly count. I used a 20" box for a modified HSPU since this was my first time doing them. By the second set I wish I had done a 24" so I'll remember that for next time. For deadlifts I did 95 and they felt good. By rep 6 or 7 in each set I felt like I was pulling more with my back. I asked Brannon about it and after watching me do a couple, he noticed I was hyperextending at the top. I was jutting out my chest too much and curving the top of my back outwards, making my lower back sore. After his correction I did a few more and they felt better.
Rob took a cert this weekend and came back with some great info. Before every deadlift he had us clench our butt cheeks and pull the belly button to the spine. I think that was supposed to keep our midline straight? I forget the why but I do know it helped me with the lifts :)
He also showed us to rotate our wrists and arms for pushups. You don't literally pick up your hands and move them but turn your arms outward to go down and inward to go back up, like your arms are screws. This made pushups easier and more efficient.
I worked on some kipping pullups after class and am now using the thinner blue band...Yay! I also practiced double unders and finally got one! Bunny hop not donkey jump!
Today was a great workout!
Jul 15, 2011
WOD 7.15.11
3 rounds with a partner
25 pullups
50 squats
75 situps (one person holds feet)
100 double unders
34.29. I paired up with the lovely Diana today. We've partnered up before and I think we make a great team because we're at close levels of ability. Today we finished last. Dead last. Like nearly the whole class had left. It's totally okay though because we finished. The double unders were my huge downfall. Kerri gave me some pointers and although I completely understood what she was saying in my head, my body couldn't translate it. Gonna get my own rope so I can practice at home and before every WOD, whether it's in the warm up or not ;)
I am really proud that I did all my pullups as kipping with the green band! I had the swing down and could keep going until my arms needed a break. The last time I tried them I had trouble stringing together multiples but there was no sign of that today. I got 9 in a row! I feel like my swing is real jerky, almost violent, so I'm most likely wasting a bit of energy there. I'm hoping I can try and clean it up a bit on Sunday when I know there will be several coaches there to ask for a quick critique.
Limiter: 4 hours sleep is not enough for these kind of workouts. Seriously. For two nights in a row I've gotten 4 hours sleep and it's killing me.
25 pullups
50 squats
75 situps (one person holds feet)
100 double unders
34.29. I paired up with the lovely Diana today. We've partnered up before and I think we make a great team because we're at close levels of ability. Today we finished last. Dead last. Like nearly the whole class had left. It's totally okay though because we finished. The double unders were my huge downfall. Kerri gave me some pointers and although I completely understood what she was saying in my head, my body couldn't translate it. Gonna get my own rope so I can practice at home and before every WOD, whether it's in the warm up or not ;)
I am really proud that I did all my pullups as kipping with the green band! I had the swing down and could keep going until my arms needed a break. The last time I tried them I had trouble stringing together multiples but there was no sign of that today. I got 9 in a row! I feel like my swing is real jerky, almost violent, so I'm most likely wasting a bit of energy there. I'm hoping I can try and clean it up a bit on Sunday when I know there will be several coaches there to ask for a quick critique.
Limiter: 4 hours sleep is not enough for these kind of workouts. Seriously. For two nights in a row I've gotten 4 hours sleep and it's killing me.
Jul 13, 2011
WOD 7.13.11 - and a HUGE development!!!
First stuff's first...
Skill Work
5x3 OHS
EMOTM for 10mins
5 hang power cleans (95/65)
5 push presses (95/65)
5 back squats (95/65)
I did all 10 rounds of this but had to drop weight to 35. I know I can clean and also push press 55 but today my body didn't wanna do it even once. Hmmm.
And now for the fun news...
I got my first band KIPPING pullups last night! Holla!!!! I had no intentions of trying a kip and ended up completely surprising myself lol! Heidi, another one of the rocking coaches at CFTX, came over to help me with band form and then threw in the swing motion. After a few tries I got like 3 kips IN A ROW! It's one thing to face something new with the intention of trying and having the familiar feelings of apprehension or doubt. It's totally another thing to have a coach believe in you enough to push you to another level that you weren't even thinking of trying yet. There was no time for fear of failure or doubt on my part, I just did it. I'm excited to try this approach on more new challenges at the box. Thank you Heidi!!!
Skill Work
5x3 OHS
EMOTM for 10mins
5 hang power cleans (95/65)
5 push presses (95/65)
5 back squats (95/65)
I did all 10 rounds of this but had to drop weight to 35. I know I can clean and also push press 55 but today my body didn't wanna do it even once. Hmmm.
And now for the fun news...
I got my first band KIPPING pullups last night! Holla!!!! I had no intentions of trying a kip and ended up completely surprising myself lol! Heidi, another one of the rocking coaches at CFTX, came over to help me with band form and then threw in the swing motion. After a few tries I got like 3 kips IN A ROW! It's one thing to face something new with the intention of trying and having the familiar feelings of apprehension or doubt. It's totally another thing to have a coach believe in you enough to push you to another level that you weren't even thinking of trying yet. There was no time for fear of failure or doubt on my part, I just did it. I'm excited to try this approach on more new challenges at the box. Thank you Heidi!!!
Jul 12, 2011
WOD 7.12.11 - Fight Gone Bad
3 Rounds of: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Jul 11, 2011
WOD 7.11.11 - Pukeworthy!
Run 1600m then... 4 rounds
- 10 Lateral Burpees over barbell
- 10 Deadlifts (155/105)
Damn I wish I could get better with my endurance. Burpees just about killed me. After talking with Kerri, (a kick ass coach at CFTX) I think I will skip breakfast on mornings that call for burpees... unless I want to see said breakfast again lol. As usual I wish I had gone heavier with the weight and done the listed 105 but I did 95. For some reason the extra 10lbs seemed like a lot at the time but I should've pushed myself.
Jul 8, 2011
WOD 7.8.11 - We have band pullups! Yay!
Team WOD 3 Rounds of
- 460 m Run (230 m per person) To the road and back.
- 40 Pull ups
- Lunge in the gravel (one length per person)
- 40 KBS
I teamed up with Diana and we finished in 29:09. Funny thing; I totally read this wrong and thought it was one round so I sprinted for my run and did 1pood for the KBS. I was really confused when no one was in the gym... because they were all running their second lap! lol! I did 25lb KBS for the other two rounds =)
I did all 60 pullups with a band today for the first time! No more jumping pullups for me. Kerri and Robert showed me how to properly push back on the bottom to keep momentum. It felt good to get the right form but by then my arms were burning hard so I could only get in a few. Can't wait to try it again fresh!
Jul 6, 2011
WOD 7.6.11 - two parts
Part One
30 situps
20 push ups
10 Ground to Overhead (115/75)
3 rounds
Gonna hit this again in a couple hours and go heavier.
Part Two (at a regular gym not the box)
3x10 ground to overhead 50lbs (all the barbells were being used so I couldn't get 55)
3x10 box jumps (20")
30 box jumps for speed (12")
30 situps
20 push ups
10 Ground to Overhead (115/75)
3 rounds
Gonna hit this again in a couple hours and go heavier.
Part Two (at a regular gym not the box)
3x10 ground to overhead 50lbs (all the barbells were being used so I couldn't get 55)
3x10 box jumps (20")
30 box jumps for speed (12")
Jul 5, 2011
WOD 7.5.11 - 20min AMRAP
20m lunges
20m broad jump
10 pushups
20m backward lunges
20m broad jump
10 squats
10 cals rower
10 hand release pushups
20 squats
10 rounds
20m lunges
20m broad jump
10 pushups
20m backward lunges
20m broad jump
10 squats
10 cals rower
10 hand release pushups
20 squats
10 rounds
Jul 4, 2011
WOD 7.4.11 - Lumberjack 20
- 20 DL (115lbs) (10)
- 400m
- 20 KB swings (1pood) (10)
- 400m (mine)
- 20 OHS (65lbs) (0)
- 400m (mine)
- 20 Burpees (15)
- 400m
- 20 Pullups (jumping) (15)
- 400m (mine)
- 20 Box jumps (20″) (10)
- 400m
- 20 DB Cleans (15lbs-10)
- 400m (mine)
To read more about this memorial WOD click here.
Jul 2, 2011
WOD 7.2.11 - 4 parts
500m row
10 front squats (40lbs)
10 pull-ups (jumping)
3 rounds for time
3:22 - happy with my transitions here
Squat/box jumps (20")
KB swing (25lbs)
4 farmer walks (1 pood KB) 240yds total
5 - 45lbs
5 - 65lbs
5 - 95lbs
3 - 115lbs
Fail - 135lbs
1 mi run
500m row
10 front squats (40lbs)
10 pull-ups (jumping)
3 rounds for time
3:22 - happy with my transitions here
Squat/box jumps (20")
KB swing (25lbs)
4 farmer walks (1 pood KB) 240yds total
5 - 45lbs
5 - 65lbs
5 - 95lbs
3 - 115lbs
Fail - 135lbs
1 mi run
Jun 29, 2011
Sizes Don't Matter Anymore
Do you have a body goal? A picture on your fridge of the body you'd like to have? Maybe it's a model or an actress. Maybe it's even a picture of yourself from a different time in your life. I've got one. Before I had kids I was a teeny tiny size 2. Almost nine years later and I can still think back to that time before I had stretch marks and other things I'm not happy with.
Over those nine years I tried several diets and workout plans to reach that magical size 2 again. First it was yoga with a low fat diet, then pilates with a no carb diet, then running with a vegan slant and every other incarnation of all of those. I'd lose a pound or two but ended up being so hard on myself that I'd quit. I was so restrictive with my food that a simple cheat snack would send me into a downward spiral all over again. I had low self esteem, low self worth and was miserable a fair amount of the time. Not only was I NOT any closer to a size 2 but I was slowly killing myself, inside and out. I had zero energy to keep up with my boys, never mind trying to actually play with them. Worst of all was the example I was setting for them. I was tired, bitchy, impatient and angry. Quite the social butterfly lol.
* Fast forward through 4 months of Crossfit *
Now my goals aren't shaped by sizes or pictures of what society says is beautiful. To be honest, I don't even care what the stupid scale says anymore. Now I shoot for goals like unassisted pull-ups, improving my mile speed, and RXing my lifts.
While working towards these and other goals the weight started falling off and I've discovered a totally new me. I've got strong, defined arms and shoulders that I've never had before. My more athletic legs might not ever fit into a size 2 now and I am completely okay with that. Happy about it actually. With every WOD I'm pressing on towards the strong body I was meant to have... and... with every WOD that scale means less and less!
The following quote is from Lindsay Smith of Crossfit Central in Austin, Texas. Lindsey took 5th place in the 2009 Crossfit games, 12th in the 2010 games, and is currently preparing for a run at the 2011 games. She is a mother, wife, athlete, teacher and coach. She says this so well...
Over those nine years I tried several diets and workout plans to reach that magical size 2 again. First it was yoga with a low fat diet, then pilates with a no carb diet, then running with a vegan slant and every other incarnation of all of those. I'd lose a pound or two but ended up being so hard on myself that I'd quit. I was so restrictive with my food that a simple cheat snack would send me into a downward spiral all over again. I had low self esteem, low self worth and was miserable a fair amount of the time. Not only was I NOT any closer to a size 2 but I was slowly killing myself, inside and out. I had zero energy to keep up with my boys, never mind trying to actually play with them. Worst of all was the example I was setting for them. I was tired, bitchy, impatient and angry. Quite the social butterfly lol.
* Fast forward through 4 months of Crossfit *
Now my goals aren't shaped by sizes or pictures of what society says is beautiful. To be honest, I don't even care what the stupid scale says anymore. Now I shoot for goals like unassisted pull-ups, improving my mile speed, and RXing my lifts.
While working towards these and other goals the weight started falling off and I've discovered a totally new me. I've got strong, defined arms and shoulders that I've never had before. My more athletic legs might not ever fit into a size 2 now and I am completely okay with that. Happy about it actually. With every WOD I'm pressing on towards the strong body I was meant to have... and... with every WOD that scale means less and less!
The following quote is from Lindsay Smith of Crossfit Central in Austin, Texas. Lindsey took 5th place in the 2009 Crossfit games, 12th in the 2010 games, and is currently preparing for a run at the 2011 games. She is a mother, wife, athlete, teacher and coach. She says this so well...
"Strength is more than physical prowess to me, it encompasses a strong mind, body, and spirit. Strong women do not only themselves appear strong, but constantly strive to help others in their life become stronger. The phrase “strong is beautiful” is empowering. It encourages women to embrace challenge, thrive when given opportunity, and stand on what they believe to be good, healthy, and right."
WOD 6.29.11 - First one at a real box! Crossfit Texas
12min AMRAP
10 KTE
8 Snatch Balance
3 rounds. Bleh! Those knees-to-elbows just about killed me. This was my first time with them so I suppose you gotta start somewhere. This is definitely something I have to work on. My ab muscles are still split from my last pregnancy (diastasis recti) so I think that's partly why they were tough. I felt better about the snatch balances. A few times I went too far back or didn't get deep enough but I'm happy with that being my first real try with them too.
Ran 1.5mi
10 KTE
8 Snatch Balance
3 rounds. Bleh! Those knees-to-elbows just about killed me. This was my first time with them so I suppose you gotta start somewhere. This is definitely something I have to work on. My ab muscles are still split from my last pregnancy (diastasis recti) so I think that's partly why they were tough. I felt better about the snatch balances. A few times I went too far back or didn't get deep enough but I'm happy with that being my first real try with them too.
Ran 1.5mi
Jun 28, 2011
WOD 6.28.11 - Strength set plus some BIG news!
Warm up - .5mi run
Back Squat
2x5 45lbs
1x3 55lbs
1x2 65lbs
3x5 70lbs
Bench Press
2x5 45lbs
2x3 55lbs
3x5 65lbs
Dead Lift
2x5 45lbs
1x5 65lbs
1x3 95lbs
3x5 115lbs
1 mile run
Not much to say here, guess I'm just working my way up in strength. My wrists, mostly the left one, are sore after all this lifting so I'm gonna try some tape and see if that helps.
and blah blah blah... now for the BIG news...
I get to start working out at the Crossfit Texas box tomorrow!!! YAY!!! I won't be the red headed stepchild anymore lol. I'll be a full fledged member of a box and I'm SO very excited about that :) I'll be doing the 5:30AM class so that should be interesting. Wonder if I should sub coffee in my water bottle...?
Til tomorrow peeps!
Back Squat
2x5 45lbs
1x3 55lbs
1x2 65lbs
3x5 70lbs
Bench Press
2x5 45lbs
2x3 55lbs
3x5 65lbs
Dead Lift
2x5 45lbs
1x5 65lbs
1x3 95lbs
3x5 115lbs
1 mile run
Not much to say here, guess I'm just working my way up in strength. My wrists, mostly the left one, are sore after all this lifting so I'm gonna try some tape and see if that helps.
and blah blah blah... now for the BIG news...
I get to start working out at the Crossfit Texas box tomorrow!!! YAY!!! I won't be the red headed stepchild anymore lol. I'll be a full fledged member of a box and I'm SO very excited about that :) I'll be doing the 5:30AM class so that should be interesting. Wonder if I should sub coffee in my water bottle...?
Til tomorrow peeps!
Jun 27, 2011
WOD 6.27.11 - I luv you Fran!
Thrusters (40lbs, but wish I had gone higher)
Pull ups (jumping)
for time
Wow! Today was a great day! I smashed a goal I made just last week AND did something above and beyond what I thought I could!
My last Fran was 30lb Thrusters and 70lbs on the pull-down machine. Did it in 10:25. My goal was to sub 8:00 with jumping pullups and more weight. I slapped that silly goal right upside the head! YES!
I felt good afterwards this time. Gassed for a bit but recovered fast. So fast in fact that I started wondering what my max thruster would be. Got up to 70! Busted out 3reps at 70 then tried 75. I had trouble cleaning the 75, my left wrist just didn't wanna cooperate. When I got home I explained it all to Ryan and he deduced that I wasn't firing up with my elbows. I totally agree. I was trying to do it all with my wrists. Nevertheless I put up 70 three times and I am so excited about that!
Guess it's time for more goal setting :)
Let's say...
Thrusters at 50lbs
jumping pullups
sub 7:00.
Til we meet again Fran.
Thrusters (40lbs, but wish I had gone higher)
Pull ups (jumping)
for time
Wow! Today was a great day! I smashed a goal I made just last week AND did something above and beyond what I thought I could!
My last Fran was 30lb Thrusters and 70lbs on the pull-down machine. Did it in 10:25. My goal was to sub 8:00 with jumping pullups and more weight. I slapped that silly goal right upside the head! YES!
I felt good afterwards this time. Gassed for a bit but recovered fast. So fast in fact that I started wondering what my max thruster would be. Got up to 70! Busted out 3reps at 70 then tried 75. I had trouble cleaning the 75, my left wrist just didn't wanna cooperate. When I got home I explained it all to Ryan and he deduced that I wasn't firing up with my elbows. I totally agree. I was trying to do it all with my wrists. Nevertheless I put up 70 three times and I am so excited about that!
Guess it's time for more goal setting :)
Let's say...
Thrusters at 50lbs
jumping pullups
sub 7:00.
Til we meet again Fran.
Jun 25, 2011
Silly meatheads. Barbells are for girls too.
Today was one of the few days I hit the gym without Ryan. He and I are crossfitting at a gym til we can get to our nearest box. Usually I don't notice other people's reactions to us since I'm only concentrating on us and the WOD. Being there by myself though is a different story. Ryan is my street cred for the free weights area.
Saturdays are apparently very popular days for the meatheads. You know them, the dudes that wear the dental floss tank tops to show off their girly muscles. I believe those came the closest to fashionable back when MC Hammer pants were cool. I'm guessing circa 1988. But I digress. Fortunately for me I don't like working out in front of a mirror because these guys were fighting each other for space. I half expected a bikini clad girl to come give them a spray tan between sets.
I got some very perplexed looks when I started doing today's WOD with the Oly lifts. I understand it's a little unexpected to see a 5'2 woman playing with barbells. I totally get it. I was doing my sumo high pulls and almost laughed out loud when a dude started doing them right behind me lol. Bad form and everything haha! It was awesome.
My message for today is: Move over meatheads, I'm gonna keep right up with you. I might not have as much weight on my bar but you're still gonna have to wait until my set is over for the bench. I have as much right to this equipment as you so BEAT IT! And no I don't need a spot, dork.
Saturdays are apparently very popular days for the meatheads. You know them, the dudes that wear the dental floss tank tops to show off their girly muscles. I believe those came the closest to fashionable back when MC Hammer pants were cool. I'm guessing circa 1988. But I digress. Fortunately for me I don't like working out in front of a mirror because these guys were fighting each other for space. I half expected a bikini clad girl to come give them a spray tan between sets.
I got some very perplexed looks when I started doing today's WOD with the Oly lifts. I understand it's a little unexpected to see a 5'2 woman playing with barbells. I totally get it. I was doing my sumo high pulls and almost laughed out loud when a dude started doing them right behind me lol. Bad form and everything haha! It was awesome.
My message for today is: Move over meatheads, I'm gonna keep right up with you. I might not have as much weight on my bar but you're still gonna have to wait until my set is over for the bench. I have as much right to this equipment as you so BEAT IT! And no I don't need a spot, dork.
WOD 6.25.11
7min AMRAP
7 SDLHP (50lbs)
7 push press (50lbs)
7 squats
Tabata box jumps (20")
Tabata ball slams (12lbs)
4 rounds
I was blindly shooting for 7 rounds but since I couldn't remember my last weights for this I grabbed a 50. Hence the reason for this blog... to help me remember what weights to use lol. I could've gone higher with the SDLHP but the PP felt about right.
7 SDLHP (50lbs)
7 push press (50lbs)
7 squats
Tabata box jumps (20")
Tabata ball slams (12lbs)
4 rounds
I was blindly shooting for 7 rounds but since I couldn't remember my last weights for this I grabbed a 50. Hence the reason for this blog... to help me remember what weights to use lol. I could've gone higher with the SDLHP but the PP felt about right.
Jun 24, 2011
WOD 6.24.11
Today's workout doesn't have a name so I feel compelled to give it one. "Major Suck". That's actually the second name I came up with. The first one was much more fitting and satisfying to say that you "beat" it but since I have no idea who might be reading this I figured it wasn't quite appropriate. Email me if you want the real name lol.
30 sec amrap Box Jumps - 20"
30 sec amrap KBS - 25lb
30 sec amrap Burpees
30 sec amrap Row for calories
Rest/walk 5 min. between rounds.
4 Rounds
Box Jumps: 12, 12, 13, 10
KBS: 10, 12, 12, 11
Burpees: 7, 6, 6, 6
Row: 7, 7, 7, 7
30 sec amrap Box Jumps - 20"
30 sec amrap KBS - 25lb
30 sec amrap Burpees
30 sec amrap Row for calories
Rest/walk 5 min. between rounds.
4 Rounds
Box Jumps: 12, 12, 13, 10
KBS: 10, 12, 12, 11
Burpees: 7, 6, 6, 6
Row: 7, 7, 7, 7
Jun 23, 2011
WOD 6.23.11 RAWR!!!
Ooh this was a toughie. Not so much the weight but the motions. There's a learning barrier for me when in comes to grasping coordinated moves. What may take someone three tries to understand takes me about ten. Today we worked on hang power snatch into an overhead squat. Man, even typing all that out confuses me! I believe I need to work on thinking less as I tend to over think and get all jumbled up. I'm quite frustrated at myself today but that gives me something to work on for next time!
Snatch/OHS (20lbs)
Pullups (jumping)
Medicine Ball Clean/Squat Jump (10lb)
Snatch/OHS (20lbs)
Pullups (jumping)
Medicine Ball Clean/Squat Jump (10lb)
A friend asked me to name one word that inspires me the most. One word that draws me out of a comfy bed in the dark before the sun comes up. One word that helps the pain melt away from the WOD the day before. A word that could shake me in my soul and give me the grit to push one more rep when physically I have nothing left to give. This word should literally be heart, sweat and tears to me. My answer was immediate.
My kids say this to me constantly. Incessantly. Sometimes in a frantic crazy kind of way that makes me want to change my name to Rumpelstiltskin. My husband also calls me Mommy in front of them. This word inspires me because my family inspire me. I want to be the best version of myself for them always. I'm pretty impatient by nature but they inspire me to work on that. I'm quick to doubt myself but I certainly don't want my kids catching that. I want them to see a strong fit mommy who takes life by the reins and charges forward with zeal every day. Eager for new discovery and adventure and open to teachable moments along the way.
When I'm stuck on form and can't seem to get it right, I think of my husband who has the patience of a saint. When I get scared of pushing too hard I think of our two year old, Sam, who runs wildly through life without abandon. That kid has absolutely NO fear... which in turns scares me a bit lol. I'm very competitive by nature and that's where I understand our fiercely competitive eight year old son Trey. Thinking of him gives me the push to fire out sprints at the end of my runs.
I want my kids to see me struggle through defeats and fails. I need to get back up and try again for them. I want them to join me in my successes and learn how to empower others and themselves.
I'm learning so much about myself through this journey! Who knew a barbell could make a such a difference in a girl's life lol!
My kids say this to me constantly. Incessantly. Sometimes in a frantic crazy kind of way that makes me want to change my name to Rumpelstiltskin. My husband also calls me Mommy in front of them. This word inspires me because my family inspire me. I want to be the best version of myself for them always. I'm pretty impatient by nature but they inspire me to work on that. I'm quick to doubt myself but I certainly don't want my kids catching that. I want them to see a strong fit mommy who takes life by the reins and charges forward with zeal every day. Eager for new discovery and adventure and open to teachable moments along the way.
When I'm stuck on form and can't seem to get it right, I think of my husband who has the patience of a saint. When I get scared of pushing too hard I think of our two year old, Sam, who runs wildly through life without abandon. That kid has absolutely NO fear... which in turns scares me a bit lol. I'm very competitive by nature and that's where I understand our fiercely competitive eight year old son Trey. Thinking of him gives me the push to fire out sprints at the end of my runs.
I want my kids to see me struggle through defeats and fails. I need to get back up and try again for them. I want them to join me in my successes and learn how to empower others and themselves.
I'm learning so much about myself through this journey! Who knew a barbell could make a such a difference in a girl's life lol!
Jun 22, 2011
WOD 6.22.11
30 situps
20 squats
10 ball slams (12lbs)
10 box jumps for speed (14")
Tabata row
2mi interval run changing speed every .25mi
My lower back is still tight from yesterday's strength WOD. (DL's and overhead KB swings) Everything else feels great!
20 squats
10 ball slams (12lbs)
10 box jumps for speed (14")
Tabata row
2mi interval run changing speed every .25mi
My lower back is still tight from yesterday's strength WOD. (DL's and overhead KB swings) Everything else feels great!
Jun 21, 2011
1. RX all lifts by the end of 2011. Not exactly sure how feasible this one is but I'm gonna either do it or break my back trying =) I'm currently training 5 days a week so 6 more months at that pace is... a lot of opportunity to better myself and shoot for it!
2. Get my Fran under 8 minutes, with jumping pullups, by August 31st. I did this WOD for the first time in April and got 10.49 with a pull-down machine since I had nowhere near a pullup. I've done jumping ones with Murph since then so I'm thinking this goal is do-able.
3. DL 135 by the end of July. Today was my first real DL test and I got 115 for a 3RM. I did complete one 135 but couldn't pull it back up. Ryan thinks this goal is too easy and that I'll surely be at 155 by July 31st. I like his goal better :)
4. Run an 8 minute mile. For me this would be miraculous since I'm SO not a runner. I'm at about 11 minutes now so I have no idea how long this goal might take.
Now my goals are written, and now I am accountable for them!
2. Get my Fran under 8 minutes, with jumping pullups, by August 31st. I did this WOD for the first time in April and got 10.49 with a pull-down machine since I had nowhere near a pullup. I've done jumping ones with Murph since then so I'm thinking this goal is do-able.
3. DL 135 by the end of July. Today was my first real DL test and I got 115 for a 3RM. I did complete one 135 but couldn't pull it back up. Ryan thinks this goal is too easy and that I'll surely be at 155 by July 31st. I like his goal better :)
4. Run an 8 minute mile. For me this would be miraculous since I'm SO not a runner. I'm at about 11 minutes now so I have no idea how long this goal might take.
Now my goals are written, and now I am accountable for them!
My Supporting Cast - Ryan and Trey
Before going any further I must tell you how I got started with Crossfit. My husband Ryan had done it in the past and really liked it a lot. He used to describe the WOD's to me and I thought he was crazy. Seriously insane. Look up the workout called "Murph" and you'll understand what I was thinking. Fast forward a couple years to early 2011. Our eight year old son decided he didn't want to play baseball anymore but we both knew he needed to do something active. He took a free class at Crossfit Texas in Pflugerville and loved it. Now he's going twice a week and making his own strength, agility and speed gains all under the guise of having fun!
Ryan has been training me at a regular gym until we can afford for me to go to the Crossfit Texas box as well. That's a huge goal because I know the teamwork and camraderie there will inspire me to work even harder. Ryan is incredibly patient with me, demonstrating lift after lift, and breaking each movement down into great detail so I can understand it. He WOD's and sweats right along with me and I love every minute of it!
I also love having another thing to talk about with Trey and he thinks it's pretty cool too. I'll never forget how he cheered me on through my first" Murph" in our garage!
Ryan has been training me at a regular gym until we can afford for me to go to the Crossfit Texas box as well. That's a huge goal because I know the teamwork and camraderie there will inspire me to work even harder. Ryan is incredibly patient with me, demonstrating lift after lift, and breaking each movement down into great detail so I can understand it. He WOD's and sweats right along with me and I love every minute of it!
I also love having another thing to talk about with Trey and he thinks it's pretty cool too. I'll never forget how he cheered me on through my first" Murph" in our garage!
Here we GO!
I've been doing Crossfit since the beginning of April so it's been almost three months. The changes I've seen in my body have come fast and have been amazing. I've dropped three sizes, lost ten pounds, and am still shrinking out of clothes faster than I can shop!
More importantly though, Crossfit has quieted the voice inside me that always said "You can't". You can't run a mile, you're not a runner. You can't ever defend yourself, you're too weak. You can't lift that weight, you can barely lift your toddler. You can't eat better, it's too time consuming. I was my own worst enemy and it took Crossfit to show me that.
What has birthed in it's place is a spirit of success. Of never backing down, complaining or quitting. Of greater self-confidence and belief that my body is capable of change. I'm a lot tougher mentally than I ever thought possible and my stubborn side has definitely become more fierce! Don't ever tell me I can't run a mile now... because I'll run two just to spite ya!
I feel like I'm at the start of something big. At the bottom of a new staircase if you will. Looking upward not with dread and doubt, but with excitement and jittery thrill at the thought of where this journey will take me and my family. I know this will include more and more days with a happy mommy who now has an outlet for stress, a vehicle for change, and a drive that won't quit!
More importantly though, Crossfit has quieted the voice inside me that always said "You can't". You can't run a mile, you're not a runner. You can't ever defend yourself, you're too weak. You can't lift that weight, you can barely lift your toddler. You can't eat better, it's too time consuming. I was my own worst enemy and it took Crossfit to show me that.
What has birthed in it's place is a spirit of success. Of never backing down, complaining or quitting. Of greater self-confidence and belief that my body is capable of change. I'm a lot tougher mentally than I ever thought possible and my stubborn side has definitely become more fierce! Don't ever tell me I can't run a mile now... because I'll run two just to spite ya!
I feel like I'm at the start of something big. At the bottom of a new staircase if you will. Looking upward not with dread and doubt, but with excitement and jittery thrill at the thought of where this journey will take me and my family. I know this will include more and more days with a happy mommy who now has an outlet for stress, a vehicle for change, and a drive that won't quit!
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